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green slime algae

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  • SRC Member

i got this green colour slime (like the red slime algae) .. growing on my live rocks ... it very sore eyes ..

n been trying to change water(15-20%) weekly for one mth..and using fr with -400ml gram of po4 media .. but i dont seem to go away.. i also try before changing water, use a tooth brush and brush it away then change water but after a few days it seem to come back again. on the same rocks again...

any idea how to clear them?

can i off my lights or reduce my lighting running time?

if i off my lights for two or more days will my lps and some monti and digitata be ok?

and added like 1kg of -po4 media at one go?


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  • SRC Member

Add po4 media and got skimmer???Clean the rocks and hire a whole lot of trochus snails.

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i got this green colour slime (like the red slime algae) .. growing on my live rocks ... it very sore eyes ..

n been trying to change water(15-20%) weekly for one mth..and using fr with -400ml gram of po4 media .. but i dont seem to go away.. i also try before changing water, use a tooth brush and brush it away then change water but after a few days it seem to come back again. on the same rocks again...

any idea how to clear them?

can i off my lights or reduce my lighting running time?

if i off my lights for two or more days will my lps and some monti and digitata be ok?

and added like 1kg of -po4 media at one go?


Tell us more about your main nutrient level such as Po4 and No3, lighting duration, wavemaker employed and what kinda water you use for water change? and your livestock level. =)

2x1.5x1.5 tank

Lighting: AI hydra 52HD

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455

Reactor: Minimax; rowaphos

Skimz  ; NP biopellets

Wave Maker: MP 40 WQD

Return pump: Eheim 1262

Chiller: Arctica 1/10 hp


A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel -- Proverbs 12:10

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Yup, you have to indicate how large is your tank, and how many fishes you have in your tank. From the above you mentioned, it could be over stocking of live stocks. Invert cleaners won't survive well if your NO3 level is too high. You tried to reduce your PO4 level, but you did'nt check out your NO3 level. You can't off your lighting temporary if you are keeping phototynthetic corals or inverts. Try check on your level of NO3 1st.

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  • SRC Member

ok.. my tank is 4feetx2x2 1/2 feet (height)... total water vol ard 600 litre (for main tank and sump)

my no3 is 0.2ppm.

Po4 not yet tested.(will test it when i get my test kit)

i have like 20 fishes .. all of them are below 3inch in size

the list of fishes is

3xbartlett Anthias

2x aus black clown

1x flame back Angelfish

1 x flame Angelfish

1x yellow tile fish

1x sunburst anthias

1x Court Jester Goby

2x Kaudern's Cardinal

1x Black Sailfin Blenny

1x Sailfin/Algae Blenny

1x Black Combtooth Blenny

1x Exquisite Wrasse

2 x Red Velvet Wrasse

1x candy hog Wrasse

1x long nose hog fish

5x cleaner shrimps

1x blood shrimp

1x sea hare

12x snail mix

.. i feed only onces a day with ML blended food. like 1/2 a table spoon.. i have a RM 8inch skimmer running and i have one vor tech and 6060 tunze wavemaker for my tank... and my return pump is rio 20.

i have 6x 54 watts T5 all on 10hrs... 3 X aqua b and 3 X aqua special. they are on for 10hrs daily.

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Your tank specs seems ok, I doubt your PO4 level would be high, because from the amount of food you feed, won't contirbute much PO4 to your tank. As for tap water, there will be trace of PO4, but not high level. You run FR right? Your PO4 level should not be the cause if thats the case. Previously I did some experiment, even with low NO3 and PO4, algae will grow as well, just that the time taken will be longer. Algae pores will drift around water if they are being brushed off and not removed from the water, I don't know if this is the cause of constant growing. Get some cleaner crews, it is not possible to stop algae completely, I'm sure every bro/sis's tank will have algae growing.

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  • SRC Member
Your tank specs seems ok, I doubt your PO4 level would be high, because from the amount of food you feed, won't contirbute much PO4 to your tank. As for tap water, there will be trace of PO4, but not high level. You run FR right? Your PO4 level should not be the cause if thats the case. Previously I did some experiment, even with low NO3 and PO4, algae will grow as well, just that the time taken will be longer. Algae pores will drift around water if they are being brushed off and not removed from the water, I don't know if this is the cause of constant growing. Get some cleaner crews, it is not possible to stop algae completely, I'm sure every bro/sis's tank will have algae growing.

ok ..thanks.. i also think it my po4.. tomorrow i will test my po4 ..and add another 700g of -po4 media.. but the algae that is growing is the blue green slime algae and it like the red slime ..... nw is even growing more....

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i think it my po4 cause the pass few 3 mths .. i have nt been using a fr ..and been feeding 3times day and ... i only start the using FR like 2-3weeks ago... nevermind tomorrow i shall test my po4 and decide.. if t high will add another 700gram of media to FR.

also from what i know dont think any cleaning crew will feed on the blue green slime algae..that i am having.. not even my sea hare.. maybe u can intro some cleaning crew that will eat them?

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i use tap water to change water.. lastly

i have a feeling ur nutrient is low. if your tank is relatively new, these algae will go in a while after your tank is stable.

using tap water will introduce silicate into your tank which might be the boom of your algae prob.

employ phos remover in a FR and continue to enjoy ur reef =)

2x1.5x1.5 tank

Lighting: AI hydra 52HD

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455

Reactor: Minimax; rowaphos

Skimz  ; NP biopellets

Wave Maker: MP 40 WQD

Return pump: Eheim 1262

Chiller: Arctica 1/10 hp


A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel -- Proverbs 12:10

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i think it my po4 cause the pass few 3 mths .. i have nt been using a fr ..and been feeding 3times day and ... i only start the using FR like 2-3weeks ago... nevermind tomorrow i shall test my po4 and decide.. if t high will add another 700gram of media to FR.

also from what i know dont think any cleaning crew will feed on the blue green slime algae..that i am having.. not even my sea hare.. maybe u can intro some cleaning crew that will eat them?

Sea slugs does consume them, but its not a good idea to introduce slugs into the aquarium, as their survival rate is very low. Try get fishes if possible, like kole eye tang, or even fox face, they are very good algae eaters.

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  • SRC Member
i have a feeling ur nutrient is low. if your tank is relatively new, these algae will go in a while after your tank is stable.

using tap water will introduce silicate into your tank which might be the boom of your algae prob.

employ phos remover in a FR and continue to enjoy ur reef =)

i also think so .. that my tank si relatively new that y algae bloom but the algae is growing on some of my sps ...

got my test test already will test my po4 when i wake up :eyebrow:

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Hi Bro,

As per below link, cyanobacteria bloom due to many reasons and in order to rid them you need a multi-prong approach.

"Blue-green slime algae growth should be avoided on several fronts. By way of limiting nutrients, through careful feeding of appropriate foods and limiting use of supplements, proper lighting, adequate filtration, circulation and aeration, and stocking of competing photosynthetic life. Should you have a massive outbreak of Cyanobacteria, look to the root causes detailed here and attack your BGA problems at their root causes: lack of competing photosynthates, overabundance of chemical foods, and stagnant, low oxygenated water. Beware of chemical fixes for these noisome algae types. They don’t work in the long term, and may well poison your livestock in the short." See link for more details:


HTH ;)

today did some checking..

for my tank .

KH- 8.6

CA- 425

PO4- 0.01 or less

MG- 1440


"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
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Australian Institute of Marine Science


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  • SRC Member
Hi Bro,

As per below link, cyanobacteria bloom due to many reasons and in order to rid them you need a multi-prong approach.

"Blue-green slime algae growth should be avoided on several fronts. By way of limiting nutrients, through careful feeding of appropriate foods and limiting use of supplements, proper lighting, adequate filtration, circulation and aeration, and stocking of competing photosynthetic life. Should you have a massive outbreak of Cyanobacteria, look to the root causes detailed here and attack your BGA problems at their root causes: lack of competing photosynthates, overabundance of chemical foods, and stagnant, low oxygenated water. Beware of chemical fixes for these noisome algae types. They don’t work in the long term, and may well poison your livestock in the short." See link for more details:


HTH ;)

thanks bro.. just added 700 g of Rowa phos.. will control my feeding ... and see .. any any changes....

anyway what would u do if u face this type of problem in ur tank ?

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Hi Bro,

I am having the same problem you are facing due to my busy schedule the past few weeks, have not been diligent with my weekly maintenance.

Finally, managed to do a total re-scape, re-position tunze, clean skimmer cup, change carbon and rowa. I am now noticing a reduction.

I believe the control measure mentioned in wetwebmedia and am confident that if you keep up with your routine maintenance, you will be able to control the situation.

HTH ;)

thanks bro.. jsut added 700 g of Rowa phos.. will control my feeding ... and see .. any any changes....

what would u do in with this type of problem?

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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  • SRC Member
Hi Bro,

I am having the same problem you are facing due to my busy schedule the past few weeks, have not been diligent with my weekly maintenance.

Finally, managed to do a total re-scape, re-position tunze, clean skimmer cup, change carbon and rowa. I am now noticing a reduction.

I believe the control measure mentioned in wetwebmedia and am confident that if you keep up with your routine maintenance, you will be able to control the situation.

HTH ;)

ok..... by the way ..but type of water do u use for changing water?

any lobang on get distill water?

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Hi bro,

I using Alpheus distilled water, got it from Candid Water Cooler. Not sure how much they are selling now, my was an old contract.

HTH ;)

ok..... by the way ..but type of water do u use for changing water?

any lobang on get distill water?

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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