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Zero calcium!?!!


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  • SRC Member

My tank's calcium reading is 0! Zero! Or at the most, 10ppm...

Is that possible? Strangely, I checked my test kit with LFS water, and it checks out. But the minute I mix up the Salifert reagents, before even doing the test, it reads 0!!! Even after dosing with calcium!

What can possibly be consuming my calcium so rapidly?

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I suspect you have a defective test kit. Get a reputable one that is not expired and retest.

You statement 'But the minute I mix up the Salifert reagents, before even doing the test, it reads 0!!! ' is very confusing... can you explain this part again?

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  • SRC Member
I suspect you have a defective test kit. Get a reputable one that is not expired and retest.

You statement 'But the minute I mix up the Salifert reagents, before even doing the test, it reads 0!!! ' is very confusing... can you explain this part again?

Test kit supposed to expire in 2012. It's a Salifert Calcium test kit, I guess that's reputable enough? :D

When I take tank water, add the level scoop of powder and then 8 drops of Ca-2 reagent, the mixture turns blue. That blue is supposed to be the final colour after titrating the Ca-3 reagent! Which means I haven't even started to titrate the mixture...hence calcium is 0!

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  • SRC Member

I also think there's a problem with the test kits. Try API calcium test kit if you want a second opinion. What LS u have? If your calcium is zero, then I think none of your fishes or corals will survive. You just started cycling your tank or is this the first time u tested for calcium? A more detailed state of your tank maybe useful if you wanna get people to respond to your problem.

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  • SRC Member
I also think there's a problem with the test kits. Try API calcium test kit if you want a second opinion. What LS u have? If your calcium is zero, then I think none of your fishes or corals will survive. You just started cycling your tank or is this the first time u tested for calcium? A more detailed state of your tank maybe useful if you wanna get people to respond to your problem.

Apologies. I have another thread in the nano forum that describes my tank.

Tank is about 2 weeks old, but done cycling.

Parameters today

Temp 27

pH 8.1

SG 1.024

Ammonia < 0.25 (for all intents and purposes undetectable by Seachem's continuous monitor disc)

NO2 0

NO3 10ppm

PO4 0ppm

dKH 9.4

Calcium 0 (Salifert)!!! But 500ppm (API)

Trend of calcium

10th Jan - 400ppm

12th Jan - 420ppm

Dosing with Reefmax Parts A-F, looks like I overdosed on the Calcium bit before I got the API kit.

I just got the API test kit, looks like the Salifert kit is screwed. Can't imagine why though, it was working the first two times I used it.

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  • SRC Member
please also ensure that you have the correct ml of tank water to test, shake the test kits blah blah blah..

i'm not saying anything about stupid or whatever, just maybe you might overlook the difference in ml of tank water or others...

All done! I must have repeated the calcium > 5 times today...

Did the API twice, both times same reading. So my conclusion is Salifert screwed up somehow in the week. Maybe the powder or the reagents got oxidised.

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If your calcium is zero, then I think none of your fishes or corals will survive.

Mind explaining why do fishes perish in water containing zero calcium?

If there is any research paper with regards to the above claim, I would be interested to read it :eyebrow:

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  • SRC Member
Mind explaining why do fishes perish in water containing zero calcium?

If there is any research paper with regards to the above claim, I would be interested to read it :eyebrow:

I'm not an expert in the equations but lets see. Cal down all the way, which would cause kH to shoot sky high. One this water hardness is not buffered properly, all other parameters will also go heywire, eg pH and stuff. Which would cause unstable water conditions not fit for livestocks. :upsidedown:

BTW I would suggest you read through the Salifert instructions very carefully again. I have had Salifert opened and kept for more that a year. I picked it up and used it and still give me a reading at least. Although I didn't really trust the readings.. just for fun to see if it still works. 0 is quite impossible.

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member
I'm not an expert in the equations but lets see. Cal down all the way, which would cause kH to shoot sky high. One this water hardness is not buffered properly, all other parameters will also go heywire, eg pH and stuff. Which would cause unstable water conditions not fit for livestocks. :upsidedown:

BTW I would suggest you read through the Salifert instructions very carefully again. I have had Salifert opened and kept for more that a year. I picked it up and used it and still give me a reading at least. Although I didn't really trust the readings.. just for fun to see if it still works. 0 is quite impossible.

I've read and reread the instructions, hoping to see where I went wrong. But everything has been done according to instructions.

I figure that KH and other parameters would go haywire as well, but as I posted, the other parameters are stable!

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  • SRC Member

Well said bro! Thanks for explaining it on my behalf. I guess its good to have two sets of test kits so that u can compare the readings. But to me it's much easier and accurate to use the API test kits. I started using Salifert until I found that its very difficult to match the colour with my end test results. For example the yellow or orange in my test tube is always not the same colour as the meter reading on the test card.

I'm not an expert in the equations but lets see. Cal down all the way, which would cause kH to shoot sky high. One this water hardness is not buffered properly, all other parameters will also go heywire, eg pH and stuff. Which would cause unstable water conditions not fit for livestocks. :upsidedown:

BTW I would suggest you read through the Salifert instructions very carefully again. I have had Salifert opened and kept for more that a year. I picked it up and used it and still give me a reading at least. Although I didn't really trust the readings.. just for fun to see if it still works. 0 is quite impossible.

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I'm not an expert in the equations but lets see. Cal down all the way, which would cause kH to shoot sky high. One this water hardness is not buffered properly, all other parameters will also go heywire, eg pH and stuff. Which would cause unstable water conditions not fit for livestocks. :upsidedown:

I interpreted his post as even though pH and KH are balanced without the presence of Calcium, fish would not survive.

So I was trying to link and figure out how fish needs Calcium to survive :whistle

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  • SRC Member

Bro Izzat, calcium is the most important element in the reef to provide skeletal growth in fishes, corals and even plants. Even those tiny organisms like copepods need calcium to grow. Without calcium all these livestocks will lose appetite to feed and so they'll die eventually. Of course calcium need to be balanced with good Ph, Kh and temperature to ensure their healthy growth and stability.

I hope this answer your question. But if you still in doubt, I'll give an example artice later.

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  • SRC Member
Well said bro! Thanks for explaining it on my behalf. I guess its good to have two sets of test kits so that u can compare the readings. But to me it's much easier and accurate to use the API test kits. I started using Salifert until I found that its very difficult to match the colour with my end test results. For example the yellow or orange in my test tube is always not the same colour as the meter reading on the test card.

Yup you are right.But they dun produce magnesium test kit.API is cheap but effective and easy.I have a whole collection of API test kit.

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  • SRC Member
Yup you are right.But they dun produce magnesium test kit.API is cheap but effective and easy.I have a whole collection of API test kit.

I'd have to agree. The API test kit for calcium is so much easier to use than the Salifert one. I'll probably stick with API from now on when my Saliferts get used up.

Anybody have any issue about the accuracy with API kits?


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  • SRC Member
I'd have to agree. The API test kit for calcium is so much easier to use than the Salifert one. I'll probably stick with API from now on when my Saliferts get used up.

Anybody have any issue about the accuracy with API kits?


They are very accurate and cheap.Tells me when nid to top up calcium.Didn't noe SPS grow up that fast.Can see the acro start to poke out again.Very soon can frag already.

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  • SRC Member
Well said bro! Thanks for explaining it on my behalf. I guess its good to have two sets of test kits so that u can compare the readings. But to me it's much easier and accurate to use the API test kits. I started using Salifert until I found that its very difficult to match the colour with my end test results. For example the yellow or orange in my test tube is always not the same colour as the meter reading on the test card.

haha.. I thougt it was only me.. half the time the instructions says eg "blah blah.. until the colour changes to pink or blue. Which ever is observered first.. blah blah"

I'm always like.. so should I stop now. and would it be light pink or dark pink??? What if its in the centre like maroon? <_<.. someone should come up with a test kit with more straight forward colours... this hobby is so not for the colour blind.. <_<

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member
haha.. I thougt it was only me.. half the time the instructions says eg "blah blah.. until the colour changes to pink or blue. Which ever is observered first.. blah blah"

I'm always like.. so should I stop now. and would it be light pink or dark pink??? What if its in the centre like maroon? <_<.. someone should come up with a test kit with more straight forward colours... this hobby is so not for the colour blind.. <_<

Well the coulour blind could use those equipments they invented and the colour blind see the fish some of them is ugly.That is why i hate salifert <_<

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  • SRC Member
I'm glad you guys give good reviews about API test kits. Since changing to API, I have less problem with my calcium level and my LPS are more lively and my fishes eating with full appetite.

Can anyone share how much does an API test kit cost?

Eg Calcium?

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Bro Izzat, calcium is the most important element in the reef to provide skeletal growth in fishes, corals and even plants. Even those tiny organisms like copepods need calcium to grow. Without calcium all these livestocks will lose appetite to feed and so they'll die eventually. Of course calcium need to be balanced with good Ph, Kh and temperature to ensure their healthy growth and stability.

I hope this answer your question. But if you still in doubt, I'll give an example artice later.

Thanks bro. I was just curious as I do not measure the Calcium level for my fish only tank :ph34r:

Nonetheless, if you have any article that I can read through, I would appreciate if you could email it to me :)

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  • SRC Member
I'm glad you guys give good reviews about API test kits. Since changing to API, I have less problem with my calcium level and my LPS are more lively and my fishes eating with full appetite.

Ya last time i tot no good cause cheap.Then after several water changes finally my ph is in the right place.

Can anyone share how much does an API test kit cost?

Eg Calcium?

Between $12-$20.

$15.00 at aquastar yishun, about 40% the cost of a Salifert test kit...:D

Well i bought mine at petmart which is a bit cheaper or Sea View aquarium near T-95 marine fish farm at Seletar fishfarm.Near Am Jalan Kayu too.

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