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I believe my water condition turn bad suddenly. All my coral do not open as b4. One of my snails have died. Possible cause could the AmGuard. It is used for ammonia removal. Anyone used it b4 ?? What should I do to retify the situation?

Now whats your water parameter like

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  • SRC Member

On sunday I have check my water parameters

KH 8

Calcium 450

Nitrite 0

Nitrate light red

PH. don have test kit

NH4- light green.

All these are still okie for my corals coz for the past one mth, it is still okie till I pour the AmGuard. Is it overdose?

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  • SRC Member
PH. don have test kit

NH4- light green.

it is still okie till I pour the AmGuard. Is it overdose?

NH4 what does light green equals to?.

This is a shot in the dark but if its a tetra kit, means abt 0-5ppm or something like that.(BTW-tetra ammonia kit requires u to wait for 20mins for actual results)

so if light green is ok - why would you use amguard? :blink:

If you test for zero ammonia- then any drop of amguard is overdose.

(although i don't think that stuff can kill off the whole tank in moderate doses)

If amguard is the only way to control your ammonia levels- means the tank has not established its bacteria colonies and the tank is not matured enough to sustain high livestock loads.

i would suggest getting a pH test kit too. (calcium tests is secondary for now)


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On sunday I have check my water parameters

KH 8

Calcium 450

Nitrite 0

Nitrate light red

PH. don have test kit

NH4- light green.

All these are still okie for my corals coz for the past one mth, it is still okie till I pour the AmGuard. Is it overdose?

yah different brand of test kit got different color and range

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