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Dottybacks up for adoption


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1 pair of myopic Ogilbyina novaehollandiae up for adoption. Very very short sighted due to some reaction to copper treatment I put them through :ph34r: , other than that they appear & behave normal. Letting them go as I've given up trying to breed them due to their aggression towards one another. The female (the larger fish) still manages to beat the crap out of the male even with its limited eyesight. I have thought about putting them down but they seem to have the drive survive.

Not on FCFS basis, I reserve the right who the fish will go to. Potential owners should list down their ability to care for the fish as they are currently in their own dedicated tanks due to their bad eyesight. :thanks:

Always something more important than fish.


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pic bro...

Here's a link of the said fish for additional info.


HTH ;)

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