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Need advise on Skimz Calcium Reactor


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Just installed a Skimz Calcium Reactor and face the following problem, therefore seek for advise.

- There are many bubbles (Not those fine bubbles) circulating in the chamber. Is it normal?

- Running for about 24 hour, measured the calcium level of the water from the chamber and found that it is the same as the tank water. Is it normal?

My tank calcium level is super low at 160 now. Therefore I need to push it up as soon as possible. Thanks.

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whats the PH inside THE Chamber ? .... u need it to be in the 6.5 Region to start melting medias .

6x2x2.5 FOWLR

Skimmer - Recirculating Custom Beckett Fr - Skimz Fr Return - OR6500/1262 Wavemaker - Tunze 6060 x 2 Light - 2x5ft FL Blue+White

Chiller - CL650

4x4x2 SPS

Skimmer - DeltecAP851 Fr - Skimz FR Return - OR6500 Wavemaker - 2xTunze wavebox +Ts24 Light - 3x250w MH + 8 ATi t5

CR - Deltec pF601s Chiller - Arctica Titanium Commercial Chiller

3.5x2x2 REEF

Skimmer - HnS150-2001 Fr - Skimz Fr Wavemaker - Tunze Ts 24 Return - 1262 Lights - Solite 2x150W MH + 4 Ati T5 CR - Skimz CR NR - Nr1000 Chiller - Arctica Titanium 1/5

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The PH in the CR chamber is at 7 after running for few days. Can't push it down further after increasing the no. of bubble of CO2 to 1.5 per second. What can be the reason? Please advise. Thanks.

what CR media type you use?

how do you measure your CR chamber Ph?

you need to increase your bubble further in order to increase the chamber Ph.

you can never increase your tank Ca through CR. CR will just maintain your tank Ca and KH.

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what CR media type you use?

how do you measure your CR chamber Ph?

you need to increase your bubble further in order to increase the chamber Ph.

you can never increase your tank Ca through CR. CR will just maintain your tank Ca and KH.

- Understand from the bro who let go the CR to me, the media in the CR is ARM. Do I ever need to change the calcium media or just need to top up?

- I measure the CR chamber PH by collecting the water drip from the CR outlet pipe/tubing.

- There're lot of bubble trap in the CR chamber. This cause the water stop circulating after running for few days even the pump still on. I've to switch off the pump and on again to restart the water circulation. This happen twice within a week since I start the CR. Therefore, I'm hesistate to increase the bubble count further, infact I slow it down this morning.

- I'm changing the water and adding limewater to increase the calcium level.

- The difference between the tank water and CR calcium level is about 60 to 80 when I measure it yestersday. Is this gap good enough?

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- Understand from the bro who let go the CR to me, the media in the CR is ARM. Do I ever need to change the calcium media or just need to top up?

- I measure the CR chamber PH by collecting the water drip from the CR outlet pipe/tubing.

- There're lot of bubble trap in the CR chamber. This cause the water stop circulating after running for few days even the pump still on. I've to switch off the pump and on again to restart the water circulation. This happen twice within a week since I start the CR. Therefore, I'm hesistate to increase the bubble count further, infact I slow it down this morning.

- I'm changing the water and adding limewater to increase the calcium level.

- The difference between the tank water and CR calcium level is about 60 to 80 when I measure it yestersday. Is this gap good enough?

Hi, have you checked with the distributor? I think they can give you better information on the CR.



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  • SRC Member
- Understand from the bro who let go the CR to me, the media in the CR is ARM. Do I ever need to change the calcium media or just need to top up?

- I measure the CR chamber PH by collecting the water drip from the CR outlet pipe/tubing.

- There're lot of bubble trap in the CR chamber. This cause the water stop circulating after running for few days even the pump still on. I've to switch off the pump and on again to restart the water circulation. This happen twice within a week since I start the CR. Therefore, I'm hesistate to increase the bubble count further, infact I slow it down this morning.

- I'm changing the water and adding limewater to increase the calcium level.

- The difference between the tank water and CR calcium level is about 60 to 80 when I measure it yestersday. Is this gap good enough?

you may wanna check how long the media has been used. if it has been used for a long time, you may have to change the whole media. ARM media will not desolve after used up.

are you using ph pen or prob to measure your chamber ph?

i guess there are a lot of air trap therefore "air-lock" in your CR. this mean, your C02 bubble count is more then the water outlet of your CR. unless your CR has the design of air re-circulation or by-pass. you may off your C02, release all the air in your CR (fill with your tank water till no more air in your CR) and re-tune again. this may help.

try not to have more c02 bubble count then your water flowrate at the outlet.

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you may wanna check how long the media has been used. if it has been used for a long time, you may have to change the whole media. ARM media will not desolve after used up.

are you using ph pen or prob to measure your chamber ph?

i guess there are a lot of air trap therefore "air-lock" in your CR. this mean, your C02 bubble count is more then the water outlet of your CR. unless your CR has the design of air re-circulation or by-pass. you may off your C02, release all the air in your CR (fill with your tank water till no more air in your CR) and re-tune again. this may help.

try not to have more c02 bubble count then your water flowrate at the outlet.

I'm using PH test kit to measure the PH. A friend just pass me a PH controller but not yet install. I think the media should be still effective as there is a difference in calcium level between the tank water and water in the CR.

Removed the media yestersday and do a thorough cleaning. Lot of dirt. Place them back and found the water circulate more smoothly.

Now facing another problem, the aquabee pump leaking...... and I still figuring how to remove the pump from the piping....... sigh. Can't turn open the join, too tight to unscrew. Place the CR a side now and thinking to work on it another day. Hope can find a solution then.

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