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oh..the bulb is BLV 10KK used for about half a year already...

and paiseh hor..please dun msg me how much i selling..i seriously dunno how much to quote....coz obviously sellers want to sell high and buyers want to buy low....so you guys can just pm me the price u feel the item is worth to you and i will take care of the rest... :D


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i am just trying to give everyone a better picture instead you guys having a hazy picture of the condition of the items...dirty or not..i tell you...crack or not..i also tell you....


and here's the scwd with locline....

i dun want to haggle over prices....thats why i dun want to quote here quote there and counter offer this and that....paiseh hor....

coz its understandable that buyers want to buy as low as possible and sellers want to sell as high as possible mah...so i just *Do It My Way* ...hehe


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it'll be easier if you can at least put a agar agar price you're expecting for your equipment. otherwise its going to be tough.

i dun prefer to value my own items...i prefer to let interested buyers value them....or like the guy selling the digicam...no harm posting..the most just keep for future (gf hates this phrase as the place becoming storeroom..)... :D:lol::D

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i dun prefer to value my own items...i prefer to let interested buyers value them....or like the guy selling the digicam...no harm posting..the most just keep for future (gf hates this phrase as the place becoming storeroom..)... :D:lol::D

so you want to get something like a bidding system going on? :look:

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so you want to get something like a bidding system going on? :look:

not really...i actually prefer a closed bid system..by asking you guys to pm me..instead some prefer to openly quote their prices...i can't stop them either...so i guess its becoming an open bidding..haha..

but still, buyers no obligation to buy....the seller no obligation to sell also :P

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not really...i actually prefer a closed bid system..by asking you guys to pm me..instead some prefer to openly quote their prices...i can't stop them either...so i guess its becoming an open bidding..haha..

but still, buyers no obligation to buy....the seller no obligation to sell also :P

is ur MH with a UV filter glass?

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