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Calcium level not increasing


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Can anybody advise what wrong with my calcium level? I am using AZOO REEF CALCIUM and a Doc Wellfish test kit(Is for saltwater). I being adding everyday for 6 days and found that my calcium level is still below 20 ppm. I could not believe it and did a testing on the diluted calcium which I found it above 200ppm. Please help. Thanks

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  • SRC Member
Can anybody advise what wrong with my calcium level? I am using AZOO REEF CALCIUM and a Doc Wellfish test kit(Is for saltwater). I being adding everyday for 6 days and found that my calcium level is still below 20 ppm. I could not believe it and did a testing on the diluted calcium which I found it above 200ppm. Please help. Thanks

Lemme guess API test kit rite???Get salifert test kit to double check.

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20ppm is really crazy. i believe there's problem with the test kit. get salifert and double check again on it.

If a man could beat his own fantasy. Then to only breed in captivity. Then its pointless.

Genesis 1:20

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

|| Tank: 78" x 30" x 30" || Sump: 48" x 22" x 20" || Lights: PowerModule 10 X 80W|| Returns: 2 x HF32 ||

|| Skimmer: BubbleKing Supermarin 300 || Wavemaker: 3 x 6100 & 1 x 6200, 2 x Wavebox 6212, WavySea ||

|| FR: 2 x FR150 || NR: Sulphur Denitrator || CR: RM Custom Made 8" || KR: Deltec KM500 || TopUp: Tunze Osmolator 3155 ||

|| UV: Coralife 12X 36W || Ozonizer: Sanders C200|| Controller: GHL Profilux Plus II Ex ||

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But my one show it is in the good range.Only now i intro acro sometimes it can dip low.

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Bro I think there's nothing wrong with the test kit although its better to confirm with another test kits like API. I test my parameters with API Test kits once a week and it's given me very accurate reading. If you still have difficulty raising calcium then you can try adding Kent Marine Turbo Calcium. I managed to raise my calcium to 450 ppm and the best thing is my calcium level remained at 450 after two weeks.

Hope this helps. Happy reefing.

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Bro you got problem reading is it? He said Doc Wellfish Test kits.Please provide concrete proof if you think API test kits give inaccurate reading.

I said double check 50:50 not that i will prove it.Doc wellfish is API test kit. :heh: see the test tube.

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Then as I said try using Kent Marine Turbo Calcium. I still think there's nothing wrong with the test kits. Its the calcium that never increase not the test kit reading.

Thanks brothers for all the advises. I had bought another test kit, Tera. Did a test and the reading exceeded 600 mg because it did not turn blue after 30 drops. I guess I might had follow the wrong instruction for Doc Wellfish because after adding the 1st solution, the instruction stated that the 2nd solution should turn pink for the 1st drop. If is turn blue then the calcium is at 20mg. Every time I did the test, the 1st drop turned blue. I did not shake the soultion because the instruction did not state it. Not sure I am doing the right way. Right now I have to wait for the calcium to drop and stop adding it. Shall do another test next week.

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I guess you tested correctly except that you should shake for 10 seconds after the 10 drops of the first solution.Then shake vigorously after each drop of solution 2. Yes each drop of second solution represents 20mg/liter or ppm.The total drops of solution 2 (endpoint) will turn the liquid from pink to blue.

Try using the same API(Doc Wellfish) test kit again and then compare with your new test kit. I'm sure if instructions are followed carefully, you'll get about the same reading. Add Kent Marine Turbo Calcium to increase your tank's calcium level.

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I guess you tested correctly except that you should shake for 10 seconds after the 10 drops of the first solution.Then shake vigorously after each drop of solution 2. Yes each drop of second solution represents 20mg/liter or ppm.The total drops of solution 2 (endpoint) will turn the liquid from pink to blue.

Try using the same API(Doc Wellfish) test kit again and then compare with your new test kit. I'm sure if instructions are followed carefully, you'll get about the same reading. Add Kent Marine Turbo Calcium to increase your tank's calcium level.

Thank brother. I will do the test next weekend.

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Thank brother. I will do the test next weekend.

If you cannot raise your calcium level, your KH could be low and that could be the reason.

If KH is low you can see that the corals, esp sps, will begin to lose colour over a period of time and mushies will also be affected, however this will take weeks to a couple of months to see the effect.

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Bro how long have your tank been running? What LS do you have? Is this the first time you have low calcium problem? The reason I ask is I'm afraid if you have LPS, your corals will be affected if you don't increase your calcium level now.

My tank is 5 yrs old, mainly LPS with a couple of montis. Previously when my Ca was low I do top up with additives but then I do not see any effect on my corals, reading was 250ppm.

Recently I have taken things for granted as I have a stable tank for a few yrs, furthermore I was busy and did not do regular WC (started with every 2 weeks than delayed to a month and then to 6 weeks or longer), I begin to notice my montis starting to bleach, thought it was my lighting as I have not change my MH for a yr. Then I begin to see my bubbles and mushies beginning to decay (not healthy), my coraline algae starts to lose colour and growth (turning from pink to brown!). As I am too lazy to do any test for months (always showed the same result and gets boring). I asked some experienced reefers who told me that it could be my low KH. I used kalkwasser for top up as I do not have a CR. When I start to increase my KH, I noticed that my corals begins to recover within a week and my coraline starts to recover too. I di not check my CA at that time, I only suspect it is low becos CA is not absorbed by the system when your KH is low.

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Thanks for sharing your experiences bro marineman. I agree that when Kh is low, corals are unable to absorb enough calcium and as a result they start to shrink or like you said bleach. Calcium must be maintained between 400 to 450 ppm and Kh between 8 to 11. Only when these two parameters are balanced then corals and fishes will be healthy and eating well.

Having said that, my questions were actually directed to the thread starter, bro orsony. How long your system has been running? Any LPS?

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Thanks for sharing your experiences bro marineman. I agree that when Kh is low, corals are unable to absorb enough calcium and as a result they start to shrink or like you said bleach. Calcium must be maintained between 400 to 450 ppm and Kh between 8 to 11. Only when these two parameters are balanced then corals and fishes will be healthy and eating well.

Having said that, my questions were actually directed to the thread starter, bro orsony. How long your system has been running? Any LPS?

Ya and magnesium also mus maintain too.Haiay taking care of marine mus not be lazy.You can ask an LFS to do the maintenance if u want.

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Thanks for sharing your experiences bro marineman. I agree that when Kh is low, corals are unable to absorb enough calcium and as a result they start to shrink or like you said bleach. Calcium must be maintained between 400 to 450 ppm and Kh between 8 to 11. Only when these two parameters are balanced then corals and fishes will be healthy and eating well.

Having said that, my questions were actually directed to the thread starter, bro orsony. How long your system has been running? Any LPS?

I been running the system for 6 months. Not sure what is LPS and dun intent to keep those complicated coral. Only have some mushroom, tube and anemone. Thinking of adding a bubble. Cos I have a few angel. Understand that angels love soft coral especial zoa. Will get a KH additive and test kit. Saw a lot of reefer have very good result for both fishes and coral.

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