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1- Tunze 6060 with magnet holder $150

2- Seio 820 $30

3. Sump tank 2ft, 3 compartments $20

4. Overflow pipes $30

5. 3ft HO T5 diy type $30

6. American Marine PH monitor $50

7. LRs (live & dead) 1 big white foam box $20

8. 4ft Dymax LO T5 (1 tube not working) FOC

No Reservations. FCFS. Collection at Sixth Ave, Bt Timah.

Pls pm me your contact so I can sms u. Thanks!

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2.Seio 820

5. 3ft HO T5 diy type $30

How many tubes is the T5 HO and do u dismantle this stuff???The seio is good for 3 feet or not???

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How many tubes is the T5 HO and do u dismantle this stuff???The seio is good for 3 feet or not???

2 blue tubes. easily dismantle if u want.

Seio should be ok, depending on how strong u want the waves. But I no expert in these stuff, always have problem positioning these wavemakers. Cos whenever I install one, I'll end up with too much current, then the rics get blown off.

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2 blue tubes. easily dismantle if u want.

Seio should be ok, depending on how strong u want the waves. But I no expert in these stuff, always have problem positioning these wavemakers. Cos whenever I install one, I'll end up with too much current, then the rics get blown off.

imho, 820 is just right for a 3ft by 2ft by 2ft tank.

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1- Tunze 6060 with magnet holder $150

2- Seio 820 $30

3. Sump tank 2ft, 3 compartments $20

4. Overflow pipes $30 SOLD

5. 3ft HO T5 diy type $30

6. American Marine PH monitor $50 SOLD

7. LRs (live & dead) 1 big white foam box $20

8. 4ft Dymax LO T5 (1 tube not working) FOC COLLECTED

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1- Tunze 6060 with magnet holder $150


2- Seio 820 $50 with magnet holder


3. Sump tank 2ft, 3 compartments $20


5. 3ft HO T5 diy type $30


7. LRs 1 big white foam box $15


Interedted in yr sump tank. Please advise length, width, thickness of tank and the compartment size cos need to put in skimmer in sump. please sms 98282413 thanks

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