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Week 3 - 17 Oct - 23 Oct 2003

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and this 1 let me know plz? thx a million!

this one not fully open yet....when it was in the show tank in LCK...it really opened up nicely!!!

Hoping it will do well after I remove clownfish(it kept rubbing against the bubble) :lol:

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I was at Pasir Ris farm yesterday. A lot of fish. Here's what I can remember

1) PBT

2) Yellow tangs

3) a lot of different types of butterflies

4) bi-color angels

they said that sailfin tangs would be coming in last nite.

Today, reborn had a load of shipment. Here's what I can remember

1) PBT

2) Bi-color angels

3) a lot of different type of butterflies

4) clowns

5) sailfin tangs

Sori as I still do not know the names of a lot of the fishes.

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haha.. but i was the first one there to choose... or rather henry chose for me.. :D

should haf a few more for the thursday ppl...

some moorish idols left too...

and a whole lot of saron shrimps... but enuf fire shrimps to act out an army in lord of the rings...

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1)harlequin tusk

2)green puffer

3)red face bat

4)orbiculate bat

5)pink skunk clown

6)black saddle back clown

7)dispar anthias

8)trucate fairy anthias

9)naso lopezi

10)naso unicornis

11)###### naso literatus- Rather big but with good coloration

12)Emperor angel-adult and juv

13)majestic angel

14)minatus grouper

15)yellow tang

16)flame angel

17)key hole angel

18)Rusty angel

19)coral beauty

20)yellow clown goby

21)mandarin goby

22)Powder brown tang

23)sailfin tang


1)orange ricordia yuma

2)assorted zoos

3)star polyp- diff kind

4)leather finger

5)pumping xenia

6)tube worms

7)bubble tip anemone-tonight just arrive

8)blood shrimp

9)harlequin shrimp

10)boxing shrimp

Bali shipment just arrive tonight so tomorrow there will be much much more livestock!!!! ;);) Do check it out!!

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1)powder blue tang

2)yellow coris

3)green coris

4)bangai cardinal

5)tri-color anthias

6)truncate fairy anthias

7)emperor angel

8)assorted damsel- I mean alot, everywhere i turn, i see DAMSELs!!!

9)acanthurus nigricauda

10)acanthurus nigrofucus

11)clown surgeon

12)false percula

13)six bar angel

Lots more fishes, but can't seem to remember maybe I was made confuse by different kinds of fishes squeezing together :lol::lol:


1)assorted zoos- very nice lots of them... come in blue, orange, pink, red, green, black, gold and even violet

2)christmas tree coral

3)magnificent anemone


5)White ko ko worm

6)ricordea yuma

7)green polyp mushroom

8)camel shrimp

9)trochus snail

10)red reef lobster

11)blue reef lobster

12)blue legged hermit

13)boxing shrimp

14)red linkia star

15)sand burrowing star

16)fromia star

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1)harlequin tusk

2)green puffer

3)red face bat

4)orbiculate bat

5)pink skunk clown

6)black saddle back clown

7)dispar anthias

8)trucate fairy anthias

9)naso lopezi

10)naso unicornis

11)###### naso literatus- Rather big but with good coloration

12)Emperor angel-adult and juv

13)majestic angel

14)minatus grouper

15)yellow tang

16)flame angel

17)key hole angel

18)Rusty angel

19)coral beauty

20)yellow clown goby

21)mandarin goby

22)Powder brown tang

23)sailfin tang


1)orange ricordia yuma

2)assorted zoos

3)star polyp- diff kind

4)leather finger

5)pumping xenia

6)tube worms

7)bubble tip anemone-tonight just arrive

8)blood shrimp

9)harlequin shrimp

10)boxing shrimp

Bali shipment just arrive tonight so tomorrow there will be much much more livestock!!!! ;);) Do check it out!!

Powder brown big anot...

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