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Achilles Tang

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Firstly yes, i know of 2 reefers who kept achilles tang in their reef, they are Morgan and Hon...

Did you bought the achilles tang without knowing their requirement, i hope not..... Anyway IMo theyr are one of the most delicate tang to have... IMO is the most sensitive acanturus species of tang..... BTW its ahrd to get them to eat and they are very prone to ich, well they is enough to rate them being one of the toughest tang to keep. BTW they also need excellent water parameter to thrive and water should be constantly aerated........

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Saw the AT earlier this evening, some are in the tanks....others are are still in the bags........very tempted to get another but then decided not to as it will surely fight with the one I'm having right now.

Will probably lose both fishes if I buy ;)

This is a fish that is definately for those whose has big tank that is not crowded wiith other fishes

Just to update My AT

It is doing very well and it is not even afraid of people. Can be hand fed. I feed it once a day with shrimps or BS. Rest of the time it is feeding on algae on the LR.

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