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Poisoning or Parasite

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Need advice.

My fishes all died overnite recently except 1 hawk fish.

Changed water & added new stocks but died after 3 days.

Before the 1st batch died , i accidentally overdosed iodine & iodate, twice the recommended.

Need to know whether this resulted in iodine poisoning.

When they died , can see their skin having furry or slimy stuff.

Could it be also parasite attack ?

Currently having octazin treatment.

Need advice on how to treat problem

Many Thanks

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  • SRC Member

WOW, u got a serious issue, first test your water, is ammonia or nitrite high? that could be the cause of deaths, add bacteria to improve problem, test ph, is ph too low? check for hydrogen sulphide poisoning, or any factors to bring down ph, finally do a 100% water change, wait for it to cycle, then add fish, if they still die, your rocks might be the problem so change them.

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  • SRC Member


Did u 'cycle' ur tank prior to adding the fishes? ('Cycle' means to allow the beneficial bacteria to form.) If not, most probably u will be facing nitrite and ammonia problems. These substances are toxic to the fishes. I suggest u meaure the nitrite and ammonia levels using a test kit. Acceptable values for these substance is 0.

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Did u 'cycle' ur tank prior to adding the fishes? ('Cycle' means to allow the beneficial bacteria to form.) If not, most probably u will be facing nitrite and ammonia problems. These substances are toxic to the fishes. I suggest u meaure the nitrite and ammonia levels using a test kit. Acceptable values for these substance is 0.

is a 3 years matured tank .

never had such fatalities, till after the suspected overdose of iodine.

The last fish died of pop eye , a yellow tang.

Unless the hawk fish is really hardy, don't understand how the rest perish !!


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  • SRC Member

Did u 'cycle' ur tank prior to adding the fishes? ('Cycle' means to allow the beneficial bacteria to form.) If not, most probably u will be facing nitrite and ammonia problems. These substances are toxic to the fishes. I suggest u meaure the nitrite and ammonia levels using a test kit. Acceptable values for these substance is 0.

Pop-eye means your water condition is bad. Fishes missing and die off are 2 different case. My tank has lots of mysterious cases. One year you see them, one year you dont see and then see again. Even my coral banded shrimps hiding, never out for meals. My peppermint sometimes will come out when feeding. There is alot of weird moments.

Changing water is the best choice but new water must be OK too.

Sometimes things dont happen immediately, it will take time to take the fishes lives. So perhaps something wrong that you did was one week ago? Did you rescape your LR? 3 yrs tank is not that mature yet and some reefer when rescape, has die off. Have you got enough LR?

Just measure pH wont help. Best you measure all the needed specs.

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