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Crab eating euphyilla?

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Has anyone come across a crab burrowing inside the octo corals?

Found out 2 heads had mysteriously wiltered and died and a third one followed... waited until the lights were off to check..

Lo and behold! a crab that looks like brown jelly burrowing inside my octo coral..

Took a tong and crashed the bugger...

Quite sure it's not brown jelly and i had that octo coral for a long long time already....


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Yeh i had a beautiful anemone shrimp purplelish blue patches from ML... unfortunately it has gone missing for awhile now...

This crab bugger had destroyed two heads and was munching its way through a 3rd when i got privvy of it's destruction.. Now the 3rd head seems to be recovering... :)

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you have to be careful introducing them into your tank. Not these anemone shrimps are bad but the other things in your tank may be bad. They will eat up your anemone shrimp. Thats why they prefers to host at a toxic corals as protection.

My fishes always eat up my anemone shrimps and my percula clowns always want to own all the toxic corals. So no other smaller fish can host my corals. Furthermore, cleaner shrimp cleans fish so most of the time wont be eaten as they are still in need. But anemone shrimp does nothing for them so..., LOL

I have a torch branches which is a host for many fishes, LOL. PPL will see non-hosting fishes host my torch ,LOL.

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