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Butterfly Fishes..

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  • SRC Member

Hey guys.. I've had my FOWLR tank for quite awhile now.. Been keeping lots of different fishes in them like clowns, damsels (Urgh), gobies and etc.. :peace:

Thing is that I've never really tried keeping butterfly fishes within it cause my impression was that they really hard to keep...

But after over 2 years of keeping my FOWLR tank and almost 2 years of keeping my reef aquarium I'm thinking that maybe I should explore the possibility of keeping butterfly fishes in my FOWLR tank..

So I just wanted to ask which species of butterfly fishes are easy to keep and get feeding..

I'm sure many of you have success stories here so yap... Your advice would be really helpful.. :thanks:

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My favourite is golden butterfly

I like the golden butterfly as well....but very expensive.....what's the average price? What does it eat? I had one last time, but refused to eat pellets and flakes....so.........gone to fish heaven....

Thinking of getting it again, but want to have the right food first...

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I like the golden butterfly as well....but very expensive.....what's the average price? What does it eat? I had one last time, but refused to eat pellets and flakes....so.........gone to fish heaven....

Thinking of getting it again, but want to have the right food first...

IMO try starting to tempt the fish with frozen shrimp first before any commercial made food is given to try out....

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Hey.. Really thanks a million, you guys.. I'll try feeding the butterfly fishes with live food first then feeding them with frozen food like mysis..

Hey.. Is there anyway the butterflyfishes will take dried food? They're a more complete diet for fishes in general right? But will butterfly fishes.. Being such picky eaters, eat dried food?

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I read in RC that brocoli is one of the favourite for vegetarians like tangs and butterflies. Lettuce are terrestrial plants and not recommended as they might not have the suitable nutrients needed by these fishes.

can try that and damsels tend to leave it alone and wont compete with your new fish for food ;)

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