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Can open brain move by themselves???


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  • SRC Member

Hey jus got an open brain from GO.First 2 days haven't fully open now fully open it seems lke it moves from the current location I put to the sandbottom not far away from it.Do they act like plates which can move by themselves???

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Don't think so

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1 X Tunze nano wavebox

2 X EcoTech Marine Vortech MP10W
Deltec skimmer - Internal
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Hi Bro,

I am not sure it can be considered moving but due to the fact that Lobophyllia is capable of expanding and reducing their tissue, I surmise that they should be able to move a few CM.

But if yours move several CM in a short period, you may want to check for urchin or worms hidden beneath your coral.

I have experienced one moving away from my green star polyps several times.

Below is a link to another reefer's similiar experience:


HTH ;)

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Dr. J.E.N. Veron
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  • SRC Member

I guess after it expanded it move by few cm.Found no worms or urchin cause i dun have an urchin.Now open very big.Mines not lobophyllia but Trachyphyllia Geoffroyi.

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  • SRC Member

Actually i do some research they can mve like plates too if the current is not ideal for them.Today it's at the sameplace whr it moved.

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  • SRC Member

Later their tissues expand like gonna pop and moved by the current to a slow flow area.

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