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Nitrate Reactors


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I got an aquamedic 400 nitrate reductor. I find it very difficult to adjust the flow rate. It got to be slow so that anerobic activities take place but cannot be too slow as hydrogen sulphide can then be produce which is undesirable. :(

Now I'm planning to do a hang on refugium to take care of both the NO3 and Po4 issues. But meantime doing constant water change. :)

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  • SRC Member

read online that its kinda hard to tune the correct flow rate. reeftask, u know how to tune the no3 reactor a not? or you need someone to tune you instead? :yeah:

i just keeping FOWLR. just don't want the nitrate to get too high. any idea what is the max acceptable ppm for no3 in FOWLR system?

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  • SRC Member

Only good looking and young ones can tune me, LOL.

I didnt buy it after surveyed the tuning disadvantage. A friend of mine had stubbornly bought it and we tried to tuned it before. Later fedup, he gave it to his friend, LOL. It has a requirement, a drop/certain time depends on your model and brand specifications. Dont waste money calling other ppl to tune. You can do it. Only bad thing, after few weeks, you have to tune again, LOL.

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  • SRC Member

well. its not that difficult.. set the drip to 1 drop per second, test for nitrates in the effluent, once you see the nitrates completely gone, increase drip flow slightly then measure nitrates after a few hours. If nitrates is there, reduce the flow, if no nitrates, increase the drip flow. Do this until you can maintain an equilibrium. :)

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  • SRC Member
haha. ;) i'm good looking and young as well :rolleyes: why never let me tune you?

is the deltec no3 reactor good and could it be easier to tune?

strange not many pple contributing to this thread... think not a popular piece of toy.

very busy la. LOL. So sorry, you bored? LOL.

Only gals can tune me, not guys. When a guy wanna come and tune, I will vomit, LOL.

You are partly correct, it is a fedup toy, not really unpopular. It was popular when it first launched but buyers will get fedup. LOL.

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strange not many pple contributing to this thread... think not a popular piece of toy.

Hi bro,

IMHO The key to a successful de-nitrator, be it sulphur or carbon base, is the dosing pump. This is because fluctuation will be detrimental to the anaerobic bacteria's populations.

"All done, except for one last detail. A proper drip rate is needed to maintain dwell-time within the unit so the bacterias can gobble up the nitrates. Too fast a flow and your tests will show nitrites, as the bacterias have too much O-2 and denitrification isn't taking place. Too slow a drip or flow rate and hydrogen sulfides are produced, giving a rotten-egg smell that indicates trouble to the inhabitants of the reef or fish tank. I have experimented and found that a drip of just under a steady-stream is best. In other words, a very fast drip, but a definite drip just the same. Use a small air valve to regulate this on the output tube before running back to your sump or display tank."

Source: http://saltaquarium.about.com/od/proteinfi...ycoildenitr.htm

For me, I used the Aqua Medic NR1000, a carbon based Denitrator. In my 3 years of usage, I have to change my peristatic pump 5 times due to mechanical failure (1 x Aqua Medic SP3000, 1 x Aquadoser 201 variable, 1x TOM Aqualifter, 2 x IKS LP180). I am now using Iwaki metering pump which in my opinion is the best option for accurate dosage and reliabilty.

HTH ;)

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gouldian, do you think it will have problem if we were to tee off from a return pump instead of another dosing pump?

Hi Blenny,

Its been quite a while since I saw your posts, guess you were busy. ;)

I have tried tee off before but find that its very difficult to maintain a consistent flow due to the fact that water will flow which ever way that have lesser back pressure. Thus if pressure of the other route is much lower than the one going into the denitrator, the flow may stopped totally one day.

Just my 2 cents. ;)

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has been quite busy for a while....looking for a new job.

am looking into purchasing 1 unit of sulphur denitrator, any recommendations


Not sure about sulphur based Denitrator. But personal choice will be German made ones. ;)

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In my 3 years of usage, I have to change my peristatic pump 5 times due to mechanical failure (1 x Aqua Medic SP3000, 1 x Aquadoser 201 variable, 1x TOM Aqualifter, 2 x IKS LP180). I am now using Iwaki metering pump which in my opinion is the best option for accurate dosage and reliabilty.

Wow 5 pumps in 3 years... good advice... better do sufficient research before jumping into one of these expensive to maintain toys :)

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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  • SRC Member

just a question, why must we use dosing pumps again? i run a sulphur denitrator, feeding it with an atman pump, at the output i just control the dripping.. anything wrong with the set up.. only problem i have is air tends to build up in the reactor.. i dunno why.... hmmmm

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just a question, why must we use dosing pumps again? i run a sulphur denitrator, feeding it with an atman pump, at the output i just control the dripping.. anything wrong with the set up.. only problem i have is air tends to build up in the reactor.. i dunno why.... hmmmm

bro which brand and model of reactor did u buy ? in fact it will be good to have a dosing pump and orp probe

Humble tank :

Size: 4x2.5x2 ft - Display 

Equipment :

Return 1 : Ecotech marine L1

Return 2 : Ecotech marine M1

CR : Skimz CM122 - Caribsea extra course media with Grotech magnesium

Light : ATI 8x54W



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i believe you are an aquamedic fan

Not really bro.

Just happens to get that at a good price when a bro who bought decides to quit even before set-up.


"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
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  • SRC Member
just a question, why must we use dosing pumps again? i run a sulphur denitrator, feeding it with an atman pump, at the output i just control the dripping.. anything wrong with the set up.. only problem i have is air tends to build up in the reactor.. i dunno why.... hmmmm

Suggest you control the driprate from the input to the denitrator rather than the output and won't be surprised that the air bubbles disappear inside the reactor chamber.

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