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  • SRC Member

Hi All

Have a Hawaii Disappearing wrasse and a damsel (do not know what name) to be given away. Reason: to reduce load.

Only available during weekends. I have the final decision to give to whom. Prefer to be given to student.

PM me please, I will clear PM in the night.

If reefer stay west, I could delver too.. :D .

Stay tune, more things to be given out.

Below is the image


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  • SRC Member

One Amiracle Venturi Skimmer (dual input) to be given away. Pump not included.

Formerly I am using Ehiem 1250 to drive it.

As attached.

For all the above if you could PM me your rough location, I can decide whether to deliver to you.


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Hi All

Have a Hawaii Disappearing wrasse and a damsel (do not know what name) to be given away. Reason: to reduce load.

Only available during weekends. I have the final decision to give to whom. Prefer to be given to student.

PM me please, I will clear PM in the night.

If reefer stay west, I could delver too.. :D .

Stay tune, more things to be given out.

Below is the image

Bro..Interested in getting all...

Staying in the west... please sms me @ 91157881.


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  • SRC Member

All reserved.

MH Light reserved for bigxxxxxxxx

Fishes and Skimmer reserved for szxxxxxxxx.

You should know whom you are as PM sent to you.

This Thread closed.

Stay tune for new thread as I am clearing my store room and should have more equipment to give away.

BTW I am not giving up reefing. Just want to give away excess stuffs.

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