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Angler Fish..


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Hey Guys...

Does anyone of u keep Angler Fish?? :blink:

Please give me some advice on keeping it.....

coz i am keeping one rite now.... hehe :lol:

And hor i bought this beige angler fish for juz

8 bucks... is it considered cheap?? hoho :D

So do let me know if any of u guys has experience

in keeping angler fish... keke :yeah::peace::thanks:

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wan,Nov 15 2003, 10:01 AM] argh.. i was like going to hunt for it after watching the tv show in channel 5 or what featuring an angler fish fishing in the reef aquarium.

Yep!! Saw that documentary too.

Just like a rod and a fly.

Sure a red one and a yellow one at Har**** quite some time ago.

Will buy when I want to change LS. :evil:

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Dont have experience with angler fish but I think $8 is really cheap. I saw some at LFS selling for $20.

However, I have read that angler fish may attack the other small fishes.

Angler has many kind some are as small as 4cm while some can grow up to about 1 feet....... With pic maybe i can identify for you..... Anyway all of them are sluggish and ambush predator, btw they can eat fish that are nearly as large as themselves so take note..... BTW they are rather hardy and fun to have.

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one LFS in Yishun has the red ones.....dun know how much.....but I got mine from LCK1** for $50 a while back.....perhaps red ones are not so cheap and common ;)

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Any one has any picture of it..? Want to confirm how it looks like. Thanks

Anyone keep an angler with a clown trigger or a lionfish?


Angler is rather docile so having a clown trigger in the tank might stress the fish as clown trigger are very aggressive fish which might bully the poor angler.. As for lion fish, it should be alright with the angler.....

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