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Price List


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  • SRC Member

I also think that listing the price list is ok.

Firstly, no one can demand the LFS to sell at that price, bec the pricelist is not provided by the LFS, is just member here providing information.

Also, Live stock is more Non-standard than Hardware...like a fish can be for sale for $5 in a shop but $10 in another....no 2 live stock is alike, in same health condition, etc.....

In fact, I see Product review as a more Danger thing to do than just listing price. In product review, we may unconsiously condemn the product and create more implication....just like the case of chiller. :angel:

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Firstly, no one can demand the LFS to sell at that price, bec the pricelist is not provided by the LFS, is just member here providing information.

Also, Live stock is more Non-standard than Hardware...like a fish can be for sale for $5 in a shop but $10 in another....no 2 live stock is alike, in same health condition, etc.....

I don't agree.....for example if you buy a fish at a good price from a LFS which has given you at a discount cos you are their regular......you can't expect the lfs to give the same discount to everyone that walks in.

So by listing the price here...you may cause some misunderstanding between the new buyer and the lfs as he/she may demand the same price.

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  • SRC Member

It's just like shopping in a big department store...some consumers have got their privillege cards and thus were given a discount but others will have to pay for the price off the rack...

Imagine the effort taken to accumulate 'points' to get the privilege so is it going to be just negated by some shoppers who come in and insist on been given some discount so that they will buy? I guess...if the lfs are big enough a corporation, they will give you the 'boot' for even suggesting it... :lol:

So what's the point of getting the card if everybody is given the discount...Must as well ask the lfs to offer sales the whole year round... :rolleyes:

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I seldom go for a LS just because of the price...

I recently acquired a sub adult hawaiian orange shoulder tang from a gd LFS, I paid $4o plus plus for it....normally people will tell me that you can get one OS tang for $12...

but we need to consider the condition of the tang...the care taken....the origin...the handling...all this will determine the actual value....whether worth it or not.....

I have seen too many newbies buying LS at veri cheap price where not much care is taken to keep the fish as stress free as possible....in the end..the fishes go kaput in a few days...so they go back and get another...and another....

anyway..the point is...listing price will cause misinformed buying, unnecessory conflicts and it is potentially trouble lurking just ard the corner.. <_<

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  • SRC Member
I seldom go for a LS just because of the price...

I recently acquired a sub adult hawaiian orange shoulder tang from a gd LFS, I paid $4o plus plus for it....normally people will tell me that you can get one OS tang for $12...

but we need to consider the condition of the tang...the care taken....the origin...the handling...all this will determine the actual value....whether worth it or not.....

I have seen too many newbies buying LS at veri cheap price where not much care is taken to keep the fish as stress free as possible....in the end..the fishes go kaput in a few days...so they go back and get another...and another....

anyway..the point is...listing price will cause misinformed buying, unnecessory conflicts and it is potentially trouble lurking just ard the corner.. <_<

Spoken like a true-blue neutralist... :lol:

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so in the end, its still same mah.

for hardware, like myself, if I going to do a DIY pc, I may get all my parts from a reputable shop even paying a slight higher premium.

They give 7days 1-to-1 exchange, plus items warranty are generally

covered by the manufacturer.

As for one off buy, of course I will be looking at the cheapest I can find.

(eg. cdrs, rams)

Same as LFS, price can be list, but quality no one can tell. Of course generally price of LS differ for regular customers, this should not be taken into consideration. I go SLS buy computer products, of course I tell hwz forumer, this price I got after some negotiation. I don't see any problem with companies suing each other, unless its price control items.

Mindset could be some regular got this LS at "special" price, and are reluctant to reveal since they may put the seller in a bad light. (n disadvantages)

The business model at the shops at SLS is more perfert competition market. Every nuts n bugger know next door price, they may mark this lower but other items more X. Most prices are comparabe. Same as LFS. Most shops sell common clowns at $1. Also better reputable shops will still eventually thrive, one good eg. is superpet. No.1 service from boss, knowledge pretty topz, but some staffs.. (part-timer) still learning.

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  • SRC Member

I think rather than posting price list it would be better to post a "what you found list"?

There are definitely fishes that we would like to buy but cannot find. However, with all our combined efforts to visit all the LFS. We can definitely help each other to find the fishes we want.

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I think rather than posting price list it would be better to post a "what you found list"?

There are definitely fishes that we would like to buy but cannot find. However, with all our combined efforts to visit all the LFS. We can definitely help each other to find the fishes we want.

Isn't what you want is here

Weekly LFS Stocks Report / LFS Info Centre

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  • SRC Member
I think rather than posting price list it would be better to post a "what you found list"?

There are definitely fishes that we would like to buy but cannot find. However, with all our combined efforts to visit all the LFS. We can definitely help each other to find the fishes we want.

isnt this the weekly stock report? :)

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Wow....thanks for the comments....

The motivation is about providing a price guide to protect consumers' interest and encourage transparency.

By having a price range for example:

Yellow-tail damsel $1.50 to $2.00

Available at : ....., ....,

Yellow-Tang $15 to $30

Available at : ...., .... ,

Blue-Tang $18 to £25

Available at: .... , ...., .....,

Of course, it's just a price GUIDE....so, the buyer will be the judge to pay for extra premium depending on the person's comfort level about all the other factors stated like quaility, handling, etc....

This is a win-win situation for both sellers/buyers as the seller will not be frustrated with ridiculous discount requests and the buyer will not be charged with exorbitant prices...

All in all, I still feel that if there's greater transparency and available information, the consumers will benefit from it.....

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From a business perspective, it is not a good idea. The compiled price list will stereotype certain LFS unfairly. There are good reasons how the products and live stock are priced and sold.

The main problem in compiling such a price list is WHO has the appropriate authority to deem the price is fair for the market?

Let the market decides the price and we should support whichever LFS we are comfortable to deal with our purchases. :)

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eh..? wat talking u..? like beating ard the bushes.

"Let the market decides the price and we should support whichever LFS we are comfortable to deal with our purchases."

yr last sentense is wat the others been always rumbling abt..

let market decide,

market = us

purchase = price we are comfortable with

even some large retail shop may sell a damsel for $10, u tik this rich bugger will care..? as long as he is happy to get his stuffs, so be it. even so with published price. only disadvantage is when the LFS, is selling normally (normal service, pretty standard fishes..etc), of course pricing higher is no good to them.

price can be published, sharing of price info. is good, also never take into consideration, factors like regular, bargaining, chio bu buy one, discount, tattoo shoulders, bulk purchase. All these prices are never reflected, but suggest retail pricing is good yardstick especially for newbies, wat with some LFS likes to overcharge newbies.

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I know that a market usually consists of a group of sellers and buyers. I do not know of any market that consists of only the buyers. What happens to the sellers with its products and services?

Having a price list is not going to help much. Why?

In the first place WHO (a person or company) is deem suitable to adjudge the price is fair.

Next is factors that influence the price and LFS's pricing objectives are numerous and disparating.

Another point is that the price of live stock in international market is affected by factors such as exchange rates, freight charges, foreign regulations etc.

Therefore, price of live stock can never be static. It always change.

Sure, you may clutch on one hand a price list and try to bargain for a piece of fish you like so much. The LFS is not likely to give in if he is going to make a loss.

So the market forces will prevail in the end. We should give support to whichever LFS that gives us value for money in terms of service and quality of our purchases. :D

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no lah. u tell that to bunch of ppl who a price list on their hands at Sim Lim Square. wat for they have so many stacks of paper in their hands..? U tell them, next week ah, CPU price going to come down. Prices of electronics stuffs fluctuate more, n more should compare prices. As for marine livestock, prices do not change as much, but with a general guideline, will be good.

With good exchange of prices, seller will tend to price their product more competitivly, n also if they think their LS is of veri good quality, of course can price at a premium, since sure can sell.

of course bargain n stuff is subject to individual. if u like this unique damsel that got two heads, u may even offer $1k for it. but then to the others who dislike damsel, even u give it free, he also dun want.

we are talking abt generally using the pricelist as a yardstick, n not as a bargaining tool.

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