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3ft Fowlr setup for Sale


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Hi all,

I've decided to give up my less than 2 months marine setup as I find it too troublesome to maintain compared to freshwater. The setup include:

1) Aquamedic Percula 90 - 3ft x 2ft x 2ft with cabinet (black)

2) Needle wheel protein skimmer - with Ocean Runner PH2500 pump

3) Solite 3ft Light Set 3x39W T5 configuration. fixed with 2x ATI Special Blue and 2 Stock tube

4) Live rocks and sand (around 1-2 pail)

5) Livestock = 2 x tomato clowns, skunk clown, blue tang, koran angel, algae blenny and 2 blue leg hermit crab. (all around 1.5 - 2 inches)

6) Crystal +plus DI water filter with TDS meter

7) Floating salinity meter

8) Mr Aqua CR (3 litres)

Items 6-8 bought brand-new at fish shops, so about 1 month old only. Rest of items bought from other hobbyist in this forum.

Setup still running. Fishes are happy and eating well.

No obligation viewing at Serangoon Gardens. $600 secures, transport not included. Will throw in other marine related stuff such as marine fish food, 5-1 tester, calcium additives, etc.

Thanks for reading.

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Hi all,

checked last night. The calcium additive is Reef Kalwasser (spelling definitely wrong). Fish food is from New Spectrum, bought at $11, still got 90% left.

I also forgot to mention included in the livestock are: a chocolate starfish about 3" and 4 nerite snails. . Should also have a 6 line wrasse somewhere among the rocks.

Oh, and Mr Aqua CR is ceramic rings (biological filter medium) not calcium reactor. Sorry for confusion.


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That's a good buy. UPZ.

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Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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Sigh, didn't manage to sell as a set, so hope can sell individually.

1) Aquamedic Percula 90 - 3ft x 2ft x 2ft with cabinet (black)

2) Needle wheel protein skimmer - with Ocean Runner PH2500 pump

(1) & (2) for $150

3) Solite 3ft Light Set 3x39W T5 configuration. fixed with 2x ATI Special Blue and 2 Stock tube ($120)

4) Live rocks and sand (around 1-2 pail)

5) Livestock = 2 x tomato clowns, skunk clown, blue tang, koran angel, algae blenny, 2 blue leg hermit crab. (all around 1.5 - 2 inches), chocolate starfish about 3" and 4 nerite snails.

6) Fish food is from New Spectrum, bought at $11, still got 90% left.

(5) for $50. FOC (4) & (6)

7) Crystal +plus D water filter (single canister) with TDS meter ($50)


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Hi to all those who pm me, I was out of country for past week and couldn't respond. Sorry.

The 3ft tank, skimmer and DI water filter are reserved with deposit given.

Remaining items:

3) Solite 3ft Light Set 3x39W T5 configuration. fixed with 2x ATI Special Blue and 2 Stock tube ($120)

4) Live rocks and sand (around 1-2 pail)

5) Livestock = 2 x tomato clowns, skunk clown, blue tang, koran angel, algae blenny, 2 blue leg hermit crab. (all around 1.5 - 2 inches), chocolate starfish about 3" and 4 nerite snails.

6) Fish food is from New Spectrum, bought at $11, still got 90% left.

(5) for $50. FOC (4) & (6)


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pm me the price for the live rock and live sand.

thanks. or u can sms me for fast deal.

clifford lin.

i live near serangoon gardens.


if I manage to find a buyer for the fishes and he doesn't want the rock and sand. it's FOC. I don't think it's worth much anyway.


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Hi all,

The Solite lightset was just sold to a nice young gentlemen.

Remaining items:

4) Live rocks and sand (around 1-2 pail)

5) Livestock = 2 x tomato clowns, skunk clown, blue tang, algae blenny, 2 blue leg hermit crab. (all around 1.5 - 2 inches), chocolate starfish, about 3" and 4 nerite snails.

6) Fish food is from New Spectrum, bought at $11, still got 90% left.

(5) for $50 $40. FOC (4) & (6)


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