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stylo coral light

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I find these corals out on the reefs in a bit deeper water than most other "sps" corals and keep a few specimens myself. Which I placed down low in my tank. As such, I would recommend you keep yours towards the middle of the tank if you are running metal halides.


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  • 2 months later...
hi, the green one behing the bicolour prata


Hmmmz, By looking @ e stylo colour still maintaining in good shape bro.....The only thing that I notice that e polyp doesn't seems

to extent right? Bro, Try not to place ur stylo near to all your LPS especially e zoa....Coz once it start to propagade to

ur rock...You will have an issue of placing ur sps infuture.

Interms of lighting I believe you doesn't seems to have much issue on that.....Coz, I ever run x6 T5 just to nurse back one of e stylo

that is almost bleach which I got it from a fellow reefer....I strongly believe that you have to focus more on ur water condition instead. Inoder to have a healthy sps in ur tank....You also need to focus more on ur husbandry inorder to maintain a good water parameter @

e optimum level.....Btw, I'm not an expert here yah....I'm just sharing my view thru my experience with you.

Just to share with you on e stylo pic that I'd nurse it before and after......



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