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Percula clown


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  • SRC Member

Hi guys, i really hope that can anyone that had met this before can help. just now when i was feeding my clown, i suddently spot something that stick on the back fin of my clown, its look that a flee to me, but my wife say it look more like a sucker. its very small in size(1mm) and it swim very fast. the center of his body got somwthing red in colour, that make my wife say it a sucker. so is that something bad for fish or it ok to had it there nad i notice that they hide in rock and there quiet a no of it. or maybe it just some flee that is good as it clear off debits from the fish body. pls help.

:thanks: :thanks:

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I also have this so worry that I caught the fish out, my mum use a pincer to extract it. after wards, this once awhile I see fishes same too.

nite time I come back from work, its gone.

u monitor awhile if its still there, then u may like to do a fast copper base dip (using a small pail)

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  • SRC Member

My clown had that once too.. Was quite worried but after like a few days it was gone.. And never came back..

But if you're really worried then maybe you can fish it out and dip it in copper based dip like bwilly suggested (if you can fish it out that is) ..

But if not I THINK that if the water conditions are good and the clown ain't stressed and stuff then it should recover in awhile..

At least that was what happnened to my clown..

Yup.. just my 2 cents worth so good luck and hope yer clown will be alright..

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