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Decomm Sales - Additives/Food & ph console


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  • SRC Member

updates to items.Pls sms 97111566 for enquiries .collection is at admiralty

Tetra PH Test Kit -3/4 full -$6

SeaChem Paraguard 3/4 left- $8

SeaChem Garlic Guard (500ml)(used once) - $15

Aquapharm Quick Dip(unopened) - $8

Azoo 9 in 1 Marine Fish Pellet(almost full) -$9

Azoo Marine Anti protozoa 3/4 left - $8


Azoo Jellyfish food 30ml (not used)- $2

Tropic Marine Calcium and Magnesium Test Kit (used once) - $35

Nirox ph and temperature monitor console unit (almost new used 4 mths)- $120

Hang on Filter ATMAN HF-0600 (gd for quarantine tank)comes with accessories and box - $10

1 pce 1.5 ft small tank with IOS & blue oyama (good for quarantine tank)- $10 -reserved by bro jeff

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

updates to items.Pls sms 97111566 for enquiries .collection is at admiralty

Tetra PH Test Kit -3/4 full -$6

SeaChem Paraguard 3/4 left- $8

SeaChem Garlic Guard (500ml)(used once) - $15

Aquapharm Quick Dip(unopened) - $8

Azoo 9 in 1 Marine Fish Pellet(almost full) -$9

Azoo Marine Anti protozoa 3/4 left - $8


Azoo Jellyfish food 30ml (not used)- $2

Tropic Marine Calcium and Magnesium Test Kit (used once) - $35

Nirox ph and temperature monitor console unit (almost new used 4 mths)- $120

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  • SRC Member

updates to items.Pls sms 97111566 for enquiries .collection is at admiralty

Tetra PH Test Kit -3/4 full -$6

SeaChem Paraguard 3/4 left- $8

SeaChem Garlic Guard (500ml)(used once) - $15

Aquapharm Quick Dip(unopened) - $8

Azoo 9 in 1 Marine Fish Pellet(almost full) -$9

Azoo Marine Anti protozoa 3/4 left - $8


Azoo Jellyfish food 30ml (not used)- $2

Tropic Marine Calcium and Magnesium Test Kit (used once) - $35

Nirox ph and temperature monitor console unit (almost new used 4 mths)- $120

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

Pls sms 97111566 for enquiries .collection is at admiralty

Nirox ph and temperature monitor console unit (almost new used 4 mths)- $115

Tetra PH Test Kit -3/4 full -$6

SeaChem Paraguard 3/4 left- $8

SeaChem Garlic Guard (500ml)(used once) - $15

Aquapharm Quick Dip(unopened) - $8

Azoo 9 in 1 Marine Fish Pellet(almost full) -$9

Azoo Marine Anti protozoa 3/4 left - $8


Azoo Jellyfish food 30ml (not used)- $2

Tropic Marine Calcium and Magnesium Test Kit (used once) - $32

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  • SRC Member

Pls sms 97111566 for enquiries .collection is at admiralty

Nirox ph and temperature monitor console unit (almost new used 4 mths)- $115

Tetra PH Test Kit -3/4 full -$6

SeaChem Paraguard 3/4 left- $8

SeaChem Garlic Guard (500ml)(used once) - $15

Aquapharm Quick Dip(unopened) - $8

Azoo 9 in 1 Marine Fish Pellet(almost full) -$9

Azoo Marine Anti protozoa 3/4 left - $8


Azoo Jellyfish food 30ml (not used)- $2

Tropic Marine Calcium and Magnesium Test Kit (used once) - $30

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  • SRC Member

Pls sms 97111566 for enquiries .collection is at admiralty

Nirox ph and temperature monitor console unit (almost new used 4 mths)- $115

Tetra PH Test Kit -3/4 full -$6

SeaChem Paraguard 3/4 left- $8

SeaChem Garlic Guard (500ml)(used once) - $15

Aquapharm Quick Dip(unopened) - $8

Azoo 9 in 1 Marine Fish Pellet(almost full) -$9

Azoo Marine Anti protozoa 3/4 left - $8


Azoo Jellyfish food 30ml (not used)- $2

Tropic Marine Calcium and Magnesium Test Kit (used once) - $30

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

Pls sms 97111566 for enquiries .collection is at admiralty

Nirox ph and temperature monitor console unit (almost new used 4 mths)- $115

Tetra PH Test Kit -3/4 full -$6

SeaChem Paraguard 3/4 left- $8

SeaChem Garlic Guard (500ml)(used once) - $15

Aquapharm Quick Dip(unopened) - $8

Azoo 9 in 1 Marine Fish Pellet(almost full) -$9

Azoo Marine Anti protozoa 3/4 left - $8


Azoo Jellyfish food 30ml (not used)- $2

Tropic Marine Calcium and Magnesium Test Kit (used once) - $30

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