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computer DIY experts help needed


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  • SRC Member

Anyone can reccomend a good graphics card for under $200? must be able to support directX 9.0. And can I just install it like that, just remove old card, put in new card, install software, bingo? and my current comp is pentium 4 1.6, do I need to change motherboards for the new graphics card or should it be compatible?

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  • SRC Member

what in the world is AGP2? my current vid card uses PCI slot I think at least that's what my card details say under properties. what's the diff btwn PCI and AGP? and what's AGP2? And really no card below $200 can support directX9? shucks... then must at least $300? plus add extra ram to card will be $400?? :sick:

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oh.. never ask me. pm me..

me DIY expert. overclockin.. pushin the bugger..

burnt CPU.. done it all.

opps but veri long time ago, when I have no family commitment n fishy.

check this thread.


2x is it AGP2x..?? I prefer ######.. hiakhiak..

should be the speed. motherboard got AGP slot can do liao.

2x means twice the speed. veri simple layman.

there are some pretty reasonable priced, 4x AGP, 128meg, DDR some more

going for $100 or less. seem alot more powerful than mine, 32meg one.


get a ram, 512meg, abt $150 maybe got some spare. enough liao.

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