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Digital Camera - Take snap of your Marine Tank


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  • SRC Member


Bought this Nikon 4300 in Nov 2002 (4 mega pixel). But in Dec 2002 during the D&D, strike a lucky draw on canon digital camera.

Want to sell away my Nikon 4300 (come with cashing, 64MB and 128MB Compact Flash card) to generate cashflow for other marine equipment.

Interested please PM me.

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  • SRC Member

Just a word of advice..no offence. pls. I tried to compare your price with the ourside market as a geniune buyer, but your price is still too way above the market. For example, I can buy one at the price of 600 with 10mths warrenty in yahoo auctions, Y u are selling one w/o warrenty at the price of 700?? We have to face the facts that electrical prices falls veri quickly. Hope you would not be piss off with my comments.

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  • SRC Member

erm....but then...4300 in the market now selling at 799 with free 128mb compact flash

700 for everything...might be a good buy....

Tank: 5 X 2 X 2.5

Sump : 3 X 1.5 X 1.8

Tunze 6060

Tunze TF08

Oceanrunner 6500

Deltec AP 902 Protein Skimmer

I-Aquatic Calcium Reactor

Arctica Chiller

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  • SRC Member

Welcome comments. Nothing is perfect is this world. Is all narrow down to risk taking. How much risk to take is depending on your financial backing.

I don't think my price is steep as the condition is as good as a virgin. Do you want to pay for this camera for 400 but with all hidden defects or do you want to pay for a reliable item which give you a peace of mind ? :idea:

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erm....but then...4300 in the market now selling at 799 with free 128mb compact flash

700 for everything...might be a good buy....

juz pay a bit more n ur camera will b assured 4 1 yr. warranty is very important especially 4 electrical gadgets. 700..... u got 2 wait 4 some one special.

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i bought my f717 for 1800 with accesories less than a year ago and i sold it off around 900 to my fren who wanted it.....and its still under warranty....that is half the price of what i paid for....

in the world of electronics and camera, depreciation sets in at about 50 to 70 percent of original price depending on how long the set has been used. and for a camera, things like whether it has been in a dry cabinet or not is critical for the lens condition also...a camera sitting doing nothing whole year round (great physical condition) can have its lens covered with fungus unseen to the ###### eye but compromises the optical quality also...

so..no offense here, but the lucky person who agrees to buy your camera at your price would probably be someone who is not in touch with 2nd hand prices...there will be such people around...u just need time for such people to appear..but like u said..u got no hurry to sell and nothing to lose....

so just take more pics with it meanwhile..hehe :lol:

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  • SRC Member

Yalor. Especially digital camera. With new models flooding the market at this rate and the resolution keep going up. I bought a 2.1mega 2 years+ back for 1200, now probably have to sell below 200 or less Cos new one only around 300+. ai.... at less those old Nikon camera got resale value. :(

So I always think 2nd hand item should be price like 50-60% of current market value. Either that or wait and the price can drop even more! :P

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  • SRC Member
hmm.... may be next time when time to upgrade my digital cam. I will get you guys involved. Definitely can provide great support fire and ask for big bargain....ha ha ha... :yeah: Hopefully can ask for 70% discount from the new price.

hmmm i interested in ur 128mb cfc only if u 1 2 sell it la....u can PM me if u 1 2 neg the price.....hahaha i wont disclose the price here n will keep by myself.....hehehe ;););)

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if u care to take the risk, 2nd hand stuffs are good buy.

I sold my oly which was bought for $600+ for abt $350, after less than 1year, still under warranty. But I got another higher version for abt 50% discounted price, (2nd hand).

Electronic stuffs does depreicate veri fast.

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