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WTS 4x2x2 tank + more


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  • SRC Member

Hi i am looking to sell the following:

Hi i am looking to sell the following things:

1. A brown 4x2x2 tank set with hood and cabinet, its also using a I-aquatic sump with a MD-55 as the external pump and CL-650 chiller. - $650

2. Weipro PH controller still with box and instruction manuals - $150

TAKE items 1+2 for $750

3. MD-55 - $75

4. Resun CL 650, still running well. Will give a one week personal warranty. -$200

I really need to offload everything soon b/c my parents want me to clear it all asap!

thanks for taking reading....

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

ok guys, i need to sell my tank soon. So i am willing to neg on the price.

right now for 650 i am offering

1. 4x2x2 12mm Overflow tank with cab and hood

2. Your choice of a I aquatic sump or normal 3 compartment sump as shown in the pic or both

3. MD-55 return pump (resun not iwaki)

4. 4ft pl light set.

5. Cl-650 chiller

6. FR with Rio 6H pump

7. 2 Seio M820

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