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Hiding Anemone


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Hi folks,

just got myself a small bubble anemone over the wkend from Pasir Ris...

the first time i introduced it to my tank.. it just kinda of stay put but the tentacles were mostly

shrunk and closed.

my clown fish just circle around it.. but did not go near till evening.

the following morning... i find the anemone hiding deep within my LRs.

from where its hiding ... its getting minimum flow and lighting.

Is this anemone a goner?

Anything i can do to improve the situation? how to coax it out of the LR?

I hate to see the fellow die in the hole...

Pls help...


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  • SRC Member

Chk to ensure that your water parameters are in tact to eliminate one factor that may cause the anemone's unhappiness...

During initial intro to tank, choose the best facing in term of flow/lighting/etc and then place the anemone at that location with some liverocks. Slowly the anemone will attach to a piece of rock and then do some rescaping forming a cavelike....

Do take note not to alter the facing 'cos it will cause the anemone to move.

Ur anemone is clearly unhappy but hard to say due to what.... Now if the anemone is already sticking to rock then simply take the rock where the anemone stick to and find a good facing and do the above....

:) Greeting :)

Tank: 4' by 2' by 2' (CR antique)

Sump: 3' include 1' refuigm

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  • SRC Member

Izzat a bubble tip anemone, from my exp they like to hid their foot inside the hole then their mouth out the cave. I find that a mature tank can keep them alive, if yours is newly set up then you must keep your para constant dun let it swing too much. i have four anemone in my 3foot tank actually three but my RBTA split so become four. Let it run around until it found it BEST location,

Dun stress it by putting the location that you like.Once you found it stay for some time feed it so in order to keep it alive.


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  • SRC Member

I"m a newbie but here's my 2 cents worth of experience with my BTA : My anamone moved around like CRAZY in my tank for the first 2 days.. and my poor clown was following it. IT endedup settling down at a CORNER near the filter.. and began to shrink and look well basically horrible.

And because I added another huge live rock into the tank cause I had the idea that if I was going to disturb it, I might as well disturb it all at one go.. I disloged it from it's corner where it was looking really drab and placed it facing the water flow. It began to move again... sigh.. at one point the base of the anamone was all spread out against the glass facing out so you can imagine how fed up my husband was but when I Saw it I simply coudn't stop laughing.

The next morning, it had settled between the 2 big rocks ( so happen it was like a cave) and facing the water flow and it has been there ever since...

Learnt that for an anamone, you simply can't put it where you want it.. it will go to where it wants to go!

And feeding EVERYDAY helps. :P That's what I notice too.

Cheers, ;)


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  • SRC Member
Izzat a bubble tip anemone, from my exp they like to hid their foot inside the hole then their mouth out the cave. I find that a mature tank can keep them alive, if yours is newly set up then you must keep your para constant dun let it swing too much. i have four anemone in my 3foot tank actually three but my RBTA split so become four. Let it run around until it found it BEST location,

Dun stress it by putting the location that you like.Once you found it stay for some time feed it so in order to keep it alive.


I agree on the above, a cave / crevice is needed for their foot to root on. Have tried and proven. It need a shelter over its head to feel home :)

Anyway, make it happy.. provide good light and nice flow..

Best Regards,



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Emperor Angel, PowderBlue Tang, Regal Angel, Teardrop Butterfly, Singapore Angel and Nemos


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  • SRC Member

I agree on the above, a cave / crevice is needed for their foot to root on. Have tried and proven. It need a shelter over its head to feel home :)

Anyway, make it happy.. provide good light and nice flow..

Yeah, this is right. BTW it like flow towards its mouth so to catch food. The anemones also like to face light. You can try a slight brighter light at the other side of location, it will point to there.

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thanks everyone for their valuable advise.

I was worried that the fellow will die in the dark hole so I had to remove

all my LR to reach it...

it stuck itself firmly to a piece of rock... took me a while to separate them..

I did not want to leave it in the dark hole cos there is hardly any light nor flow

in there... so its only a matter of time before it kicks the bucket

had to rescape my LR while dragging it out..

now that i got it out, I placed it in a separation tank within the main tank

i place it nearer the light and closer to the pump outlet...

giving it more light and flow...

it seems ok in this new position.... but i'm still monitoring it closely.

if it starts to shrink.. I have to release it back into the main tank.

Gave it a slice of market fish, it ate it up and spit it out...

hmm... have to try other food type like prawns...


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  • SRC Member

Bro no point giving it food now cos it still haven settle down, very stress. Like i said my BTA have been in the cave for more than a year occasionally when it feel like coming out then jus pop out. Then i would give it food if not i dun care. You must see an anemone as a creature not a coral. Like fish they dun like it they move so anemone is a living creature you cannot stop it from moving until it found it BEST location. Oh try not to get too near the pump if not they will get juice. Real juice alternative you can cover the wavemaker with netting.

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Hi all,

i agree its not the best thing to 'cage' up the anemone in a separate tank.

I did it for a simple reason... in the event, it starts to melt, it'll be easier

for me to retrieve it and dispose.

Hi Remus,

I'm using a JBJ nano cube... so the lights aren't very bright..

so I worry if it goes hiding again in the dark hole.. it will eventually die in there.

I'd really like to let it back into the main tank again...will it go hiding again?

Just not sure if my decision to buy it was a mistake... since my tank just isn't suitable

for it..


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  • SRC Member
Hi all,

i agree its not the best thing to 'cage' up the anemone in a separate tank.

I did it for a simple reason... in the event, it starts to melt, it'll be easier

for me to retrieve it and dispose.

Hi Remus,

I'm using a JBJ nano cube... so the lights aren't very bright..

so I worry if it goes hiding again in the dark hole.. it will eventually die in there.

I'd really like to let it back into the main tank again...will it go hiding again?

Just not sure if my decision to buy it was a mistake... since my tank just isn't suitable

for it..


thats why I always emphasized, dont buy before getting full info and confidence. But most reefers dont do this.

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  • 1 month later...
  • SRC Member

My 2 cent worth

BTA like light but they will look for lights.

I have one BTA with orange spot at the tip in my JBJ 24G, when I intro it to the tank it attache n it self to a roack and the next dat it is hide behind my rock at the back and I was worried od lighting suffocation.

After a few hours it simple open s up so big that I worry it will disturb mu Yuma,

And ever since it will open bi big then shrink small small to rest, then open big big, when it is open it is 1.5X my palm.

But unfortunately I did a rescaping and forgot about him and torn him from the rocks and it died, so sad

.... to be continue

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ok I am back....

BTA they need lights, but tey will find a spot where they are comfortable and stay put.

Be it in a cave , but I pthink they will stay put in a cave with not very strong current, they will extend and reach for the open for light.

BTA have very high flexibility and can extend by at least 15 cm or more to reach for the lights out of its little safe cave.

Since my the departure of my orag tip BTA, I am gertting a blue BTA with blue tip from Ah Beng shop again today.


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