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Shy Shrimps???


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  • SRC Member

Hey everyone...me been quite a happy dude these few days...managed to finally keep some shrimp alive; and have been going on a "shrimp shopping spree"!!! :D But they seem to be rather shy, and like to hang out at the back of the tank or under my corals and rocks...

I've got one Boxing Shrimp who's been inside for almost 5 days, but still hides from view mostly...is there something i should do to make them comfy? Or do they need some time to adjust? I have 2 cleaners, 1 blood shr and 1 CBS...issit too much for a 3 ft?

Thanx!!! ;)

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  • SRC Member

i don't think it's too much for a 3feet.

boxing shrimps are usually not very shy type, maybe they need more time to get used to your tank.

blood shrimps are the most shy.

cleaner shrimps are the most not shy, bay pai say! hahaah

if you interested in more shrimps, Sealife got some nice monkey shrimps, very nice but quite expensive.

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  • SRC Member

Yeah! More shrimp lobang!!! I think me becoming a shrimp freak too!!! Hahahahah! Me think will go to Sealife tomolo to check it out then...

Anyways, here's another puzzle i've yet to figure out...One of the cleaner shrimp molted right inside the LFS plastic bag, while i was drip-acclimating it...And now, an Anemone/Glass Shrimp has done it too!!! Why so strange? Issit my water again? The only clue is dat i have too high a Calcium value (ard 500++ to 600!!! Bleh, Kalk mania before i bot my Ca testkit, heheh)

Have a look, and maybe someone can come up with an answer to why?


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  • SRC Member

Yikes, it seems that Monkey shrimp are Polyp gluttons...

From ReefCentral:

"Q:Do you know anything about Monkey Shrimp?

Most places refer to these predators as Saron shrimp. Here is a bit of information about them.

Taxonomic Classification:

Phylum Arthropoda, Subphylum Crustacea, Class Malacostraca, Order Caridea; Saron Shrimp

Saron marmoratus, Other Saron species.

Several species in the genus are imported and occasionally sold as aquarium pets. Probably the most abundant is Saron marmoratus, a large (up to 10 cm) shrimp mottled red and white on a greenish or gray back ground. They have a pair of exceptionally well developed clawed appendages located anteriorly on the thorax.

If added to a well developed aquarium with lots of live rock, these shrimp become very reclusive and are seldom seen. They exhibit much nocturnal behavior and will be seen primarily at night. They do best at standard reef conditions of temperature and salinity.

Saron species appear to be predatory on small animals, including small polyps such as zoanthids, star polyps, and perhaps small corals. They are not recommended for a reef aquarium, but will do well in a system of their own.

These are large animals and need at least a 40 gallon aquarium. There should be plenty of hiding places such as caves, if these are provided the animal will actually be out and active before long. They will eat most aquarium foods, and without polyps to eat they are reasonably good scavengers.

Maybe also a clam predator... :ph34r:

From http://www.exotictropicals.com/encyclo/ree...ms/tridacna.htm

"Some fish, namely wrasses, should be watched when put into a tank containing tridacna clams. The Twin Spot Wrasse (Coris aygula) and the Bird Wrasse (Gomphosus varius) have been known to attack and eat clams. Other predators include large crabs, some shrimp (Marble shrimp; Saron marmoratus, Buffalo shrimp; Saron sp., rarely the Cleaner shrimp, Lysmata amboinensis), and parasitic snails that are usually present on the clam when you buy it.

Yikes! Even Cleaner shrimp eat clams???? :o

Sigh too bad, such a pretty shrimp...er btw issit this one?


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  • SRC Member

Sealife selling them at $6 but i bought mine long time ago at $2.50 each at Kwang's.

if i am not wrong, there are 2 types.

i kept one before with smaller claws for quite long time but i think it's attack by my boxing shrimps couple.

as for is it reef safe or not, i don't know, my tank is just fishes, shrimps, rocks and plants.

it's fish safe! heheeh

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  • SRC Member


these shrimps are in the same genus

they are quite nice though :lol:

but now my tank already has 3 boxers in it + one very huge saron shrimp

newdamsel can vouch for me~~ he saw the shrimp

1 mated pair and 1 rare stenopus scullatus

and they are getting along very well.....

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  • SRC Member

That's an Anemone Shrimp!


Quite hard to find on sale...lucky to see this last fat one in the shrimp tank at the fish farm! hahah the uncle didnt even know he had one more left (quite hard to spot under low light). I bot one before at Sealife, but the little dude died after just a few days due to poor acclimation... :(


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  • SRC Member

There are two more anemone shrimps for sale in Harlequin.. I think anemone shrimps need an anemone by themselves, I used to have one but the clown keep chasing it out.. the it died.. Now I have another one and his own anemone.. They are doing fine for 2 week liao.. :) *fingers cross*

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  • SRC Member

My anemone shrimp lives on a plate quite comfortably with 5 cleaners, 5 bloods and 1 boxer. Most are adult size and very reef friendly. But, last few days have not seen my anemone shrimp...sigh...may have died.

I always see my cleaners carrying eggs but never any fry. Any reasons?

I think (marine) therefore I am

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  • SRC Member

Hmm the anemone shrimp i got just decided to disappear without a trace too...only saw it once after i put him in, under a ton of rocks. Now donoo whether he dead or not either.

I think yr shrimp eggs or fry got eaten by the fish in yr tank? Or maybe they hatched and died of hunger? Envy u, have shrimps with eggs; dono when mine are gona be out from the dark?!?!?! :(

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  • SRC Member
My anemone shrimp lives on a plate quite comfortably with 5 cleaners, 5 bloods and 1 boxer. Most are adult size and very reef friendly. But, last few days have not seen my anemone shrimp...sigh...may have died.

I always see my cleaners carrying eggs but never any fry. Any reasons?

Anemone shrimps are know to leave the anemone when they change their shell.. It will be back to the anemone when it's own shell is tough enough.. They will hid under the anemone sometimes (at the stalk).

Clown fishes normally cannot tahan another creature sharing the same anemone. Got to get another anemone for my shrimp.. Now he's quite happy with his own patch of turf.. :)

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