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My young tank (2 weeks old)


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My tank consists of

3'x1.5'x2' tank - 10mm all round

2'x1'x1' sump tank

wooden cabinet with hood

JEBO protein skimmer with cr1900 pump

eheim 1250 return pump

Lights (PL)

2 x 55w (10000k)

1 x 36w (6500k)

1 x actinic blue


2 x Blue tang

1 x sailfin tang

2 x common clown fish

2 x sabae clown fish

1 x bicolor angel

4 Cleaner shrimp

some turbo snails


1 Hammer

2 Bubble

2 Jewels

some ricordias


NH3 - 0

NO2 - 0.01

NO3 - 25

I'm very new to this, pls comment.

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  • SRC Member

2 weeks. My clownfish have not been fighting. Most of my fish and corals have been in the tank beween 1.5 to 1 week.

All my LR are bought from reefers. All came from established tanks.

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  • SRC Member

Oppss....I thought it was ok as my NH3 went down to 0 and my NO2 was also practically 0. I tested with one of the clownfish for a few days before getting more ls. What would probably happen? Any advise what I shud do now?

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ok try chemi-pure...

or wat use geo-liquid?? hehe

bro have u cycle your tank i mean u put in sand.. saltwater.. then put 2 market prawns to kick start the ammonia cycle.. and then let it decay and the ammonia level will shoot up then it will decrease and then no2 will rise up and wait till it goes down to 0??

it takes quiet awhile u know..

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alamak.. dun let them worry you manz..

as long as your NO2 - 0 n NO3 is low. your tank is pretty ready, slowly add LS, dun happily add many.. your tank bioload ability is still veri young. need more time for it to slowly coup with increase load.

Monitor your LS properly, feed them garlic soaked food to boast immune system.

n dun get any more LS for now. let your tank slowly cope with the new additions. n remember dun overfed especially with newly setup tank.

for myself, I dump food twice a day, want my fishes to be as fat as my jie one.


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Hey.. it's a really beautiful tank, man.. Seriously..

I guess it's true.. your tank should be safe for now with 0 NH3 and NO2 but do keep a good watch over it and do not do not overfeed because anytime your relatively new system may just crash on you and the NH3 and NO2 may spike like crazy..

So just keep you LS as they are irst, feed sparingly, and after a week plus if things are ok you can SLOWLY add more LS..

Nice Tank, though.. B)

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Thanx for all the feedback. Be it in the form of warning or encouragement, I believe that all of u meant well and I sincerely appreciate it.

Yes, I had a tank with only 5 inches of sand bed and 5 market prawns in the tank for a few days before putting in the 40kg of live rocks. Only put in the clown fish when the NH3 and NO2 went to 0.

For the past 1.5 week, all the LS are eating very very well and the corals seem to be opening quite nicely. Will definately monitor very closely.

Pls feel free to add more comments, especially on the sump, the rocks, corals, ls, etc.


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Nice tank....as a safety precaution you might want to have some chemical resins in hand...in case your ammonia or nitrites respike. Then just use the resins to remove them from the water before anything happens. :D

Always something more important than fish.


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