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Weekly Update - 15th to 21th Oct 07

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last time brought it from lck 110 not sure if they are going to bring in again ? by the way any update on lck 110?

Yup LCK110 had brought in the Black Widow & Lighting Wrasse end last year

and remembered my friend bought them at good prices.

These fishes are often available in Caribbean & Brazil shipments.

From my friend experience, these 2 fishes are NOT reef & invert.

safe cos his lps & starfish were all snapped by these 2 fishes bought

during last year.

Any updates on I-aquarium & Desmond ??? :thanks:

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Yup LCK110 had brought in the Black Widow & Lighting Wrasse end last year

and remembered my friend bought them at good prices.

These fishes are often available in Caribbean & Brazil shipments.

From my friend experience, these 2 fishes are NOT reef & invert.

safe cos his lps & starfish were all snapped by these 2 fishes bought

during last year.

Any updates on I-aquarium & Desmond ??? :thanks:

sure or not ??? i just read the net that the black widow are reef safe and for sure not poisonous.

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Yup LCK110 had brought in the Black Widow & Lighting Wrasse end last year

and remembered my friend bought them at good prices.

These fishes are often available in Caribbean & Brazil shipments.

From my friend experience, these 2 fishes are NOT reef & invert.

safe cos his lps & starfish were all snapped by these 2 fishes bought

during last year.

Any updates on I-aquarium & Desmond ??? :thanks:

Black Brotula cleaning Green Moray

Black widows are part time cleaners as well...

I've talked to LCK 110 staff and was told they have never brought in either black widows or lightning wrasse before, i wonder if you have gotten your info wrong?

All species of brotula which are the group of fish black widows come from have been reported to be reef safe. And the brotula is a type of goby, so far have not heard of any of these species eating coral. so your account is very unusual...

As for lightning wrasse I have seen overseas hobbyists keeping them in reeftanks with no problems whatsoever.

And isn't it funny for a fish found in a coral reef to be non-reef safe??

I have yet to hear of mass devastated patches of coral by fishes except for parrot fishes...

If your fish nibble corals it would most likely due to the fact that your fish are unwell or not well fed?


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Black Brotula cleaning Green Moray

Black widows are part time cleaners as well...

I've talked to LCK 110 staff and was told they have never brought in either black widows or lightning wrasse before, i wonder if you have gotten your info wrong?

All species of brotula which are the group of fish black widows come from have been reported to be reef safe. And the brotula is a type of goby, so far have not heard of any of these species eating coral. so your account is very unusual...

As for lightning wrasse I have seen overseas hobbyists keeping them in reeftanks with no problems whatsoever.

And isn't it funny for a fish found in a coral reef to be non-reef safe??

I have yet to hear of mass devastated patches of coral by fishes except for parrot fishes...

If your fish nibble corals it would most likely due to the fact that your fish are unwell or not well fed?


yes was mistaken.... not the type of species I got :sick: or not from them, cant really remember :whistle could have brought from ah beng :(

have some friends overseas that still looking for this black widow. Was informed that it's RARE and that would be a nice addition to my reef tank. :yeah: and yes they are cleaners too :shock:

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Bro Skyrunner,

You are right about the fish being brought in by LCK110. I personnally see them there last year. :D

As for whether each species of fish from coral reefs are reef-safe or not, it is really a 'tough' question. Don't we find most of the angels, butterflies in coral reef when we go diving? ;)

Just curious. B)


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Bro Skyrunner,

You are right about the fish being brought in by LCK110. I personnally see them there last year. :D

As for whether each species of fish from coral reefs are reef-safe or not, it is really a 'tough' question. Don't we find most of the angels, butterflies in coral reef when we go diving? ;)

Just curious. B)

huh??? :look: and they told me what fish is that? spider is it? :angry: how is it they can mistaken them for something else???so obvious :whistle

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every one relax la. i post is to update not for argument.

i talk to the ex worker at ah beng place(the long hair and the one in specs) ya they came in before but the price is more ex then wat AM selling (by two blue ) it is not a common fish and quite hard to keep ( thats why the lck boss himself dun dare to come in any more) i brought the fish liao, as for reef safe or not i will update you all later k. so plsssssssss stop all blk widow subject ;)

so any other update????

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:D The DEBATE is so amusing especially the frank outburst statement about fishes found in coral reefs are deemed 'reef-safe'. But 100% of all marine fishes (reef-safe or not) captured for the aquarium trade are found in coral reefs leh except aquacultured ones. Butterflyfishes/Angels in the wild got plenty of SPSes/LPSes polyps to choose & 'whack'. In a closed tanky environment, they have only Hobson Choice. Cannot 'Hiam'. :eyebrow:
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ah beng got rare fish also. but not sure if it is rare. its black in color n e eye will glow in e dark. n i mean it really glow when u off ur tank light. left 4 pc only. better grad for those who luv rare fishes. price is reasonable. got 1 myself n now i admiring his glowin in my tank. hehehe...

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for me i dun care if reef safe or not, beause there is quite a number of reefers proven that 'not reef safe' fishes still have a chance of keeping without hurting the corals as the fishes are feeding on dry food. so wat is the point of start another argument again???

a kind reminder to all, this is a forum of sharing info , knowledge and passion. is there any profit in proving who right or wrong?????

i feel like i the one that started all this just by updating wats new.

pls dun start the ball rolling . :angry:

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ah beng got rare fish also. but not sure if it is rare. its black in color n e eye will glow in e dark. n i mean it really glow when u off ur tank light. left 4 pc only. better grad for those who luv rare fishes. price is reasonable. got 1 myself n now i admiring his glowin in my tank. hehehe...

i think the one you are talkin about is the a type of cardinal fish is it? does it emit light or just reflect light?

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was told by henry it belong to e cardinal fish. damn i forget e name of e fish. wherther it emit light or reflect i also dunno bro. but i guess it emit light coz when i off all e light includin my room light, i can c light moving around in my tank. hehehe... its so interesting...

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Bro Skyrunner,

You are right about the fish being brought in by LCK110. I personnally see them there last year. :D

As for whether each species of fish from coral reefs are reef-safe or not, it is really a 'tough' question. Don't we find most of the angels, butterflies in coral reef when we go diving? ;)

Just curious. B)

i myself bought e fish b4 last year olmost e same time as now (near x'mas :evil: )...... cfm not reef safe........ :cry: e black widow feed on my LPS (brain) n i hv to turn my tank upside dwn juz to catch it out. :evil::evil:

a no no for a LPS tank, dunno abt SPS :peace:

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was told by henry it belong to e cardinal fish. damn i forget e name of e fish. wherther it emit light or reflect i also dunno bro. but i guess it emit light coz when i off all e light includin my room light, i can c light moving around in my tank. hehehe... its so interesting...

its a lantern Fish aka flashlight fish.. it has biolumi bacteria in the sac below its eyes .

scienfic name is :

Anomolops Katoptron Kept a school of them . they are very hardy .

keep the temp below 26degree if u wanna keep the glow .. if not it will slowly fade away.

u can make it flash it lights and have fun with it by in total darkness , take a flash light on and off mimicing their natural living condition , they will shine on and off back in response . :)

6x2x2.5 FOWLR

Skimmer - Recirculating Custom Beckett Fr - Skimz Fr Return - OR6500/1262 Wavemaker - Tunze 6060 x 2 Light - 2x5ft FL Blue+White

Chiller - CL650

4x4x2 SPS

Skimmer - DeltecAP851 Fr - Skimz FR Return - OR6500 Wavemaker - 2xTunze wavebox +Ts24 Light - 3x250w MH + 8 ATi t5

CR - Deltec pF601s Chiller - Arctica Titanium Commercial Chiller

3.5x2x2 REEF

Skimmer - HnS150-2001 Fr - Skimz Fr Wavemaker - Tunze Ts 24 Return - 1262 Lights - Solite 2x150W MH + 4 Ati T5 CR - Skimz CR NR - Nr1000 Chiller - Arctica Titanium 1/5

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I hope i don't give anyone the wrong impression.

I'm not here to promote any shop or anything but my aim is to promote the hobby...

currently the range of marine fish offered to hobbyists compared to freshwater fishes are relatively dead. I hope with the willingness of hobbyists to try out new species there will be an advance in the hobby here.

The seas and oceans are huge with many interesting and beautiful fish that we have yet to see in the hobby. Hopefully with the interest in new fish, farms will start bringing in a wider range and newer species for the hobby and we can advance to another level.

seriously i doubt the capability of black widows eating coral as they have mouths that aren't designed for coral eating. in capitivity i have had the privilege of observing it feed on brine shrimp. In the US hobbyists have reported it feeds solely on frozen mysis shrimp without any of such coral eating behaviour described here. Hence my doubts.

I sincerely hope this is disinformation spread on purpose for personal reasons as this will not help this hobby in anyway.

Anyways i too have acquired a black widow and am experimenting if it does in fact eat coral. I will post updates and let everyone know.

Anyways I have heard there are new shipments at i Aquarium and Ah beng today.

Happy reefing and peace.

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