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How to get my Naso tang to eat?

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I recently got a Naso (huge size one) too from R*b*rn but not sure if it was eating yet so its kind of like a gamble.

didn't eat for a few days when I tried frozen mysis. Then I tried processed frozen spinach (available at OP) and it worked. The only food that will really perk it up is frozen blood worms where it eats like crazy. It doesnt give a hoot about other food I give.

You could try adding some garlic juice to the spinach or even nori.

hope my 2 cts help. :)

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hmmm.. i get my naso for few hrs nia...

2hrs xplore the tank... the remaining time hiding beside rock... left 1 head come out nia...

i haven feed him... i will feed him with "pang cai" tml morning..

with garlic guard...hope will help

Gheez one day and you get so woke up already........ :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Keep Hiding between the rock.. let me see the face nia...

i throw in lectture bt floating on top.. i come back there is nothing left... nt sure izzit the naso eaten it... bt he nv come out sia...

i bought zi cai... dunno what seaweed.. japanese 1.. from Super Market... dunno izzit nori huh...

fake yellow tang very active eating those algae on the rock.. but naso hiding.. donwan come out sia... see the face nia.. :unsure:

i think he got ich already... if i am not wrong.. sad...

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