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Frags and CL650 for sale


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Have the following frags for sale

Orange skirt/black face zoos. Two frags more than 20 polyps

$35 each



Pink Milli Frags. Colony over grown. Each frag will be cut on the spot and will have a few branches.

$10 each


FCFS. No reservation. Message me @ 96635278 to arrange for appoint to view.

More frags might be available.

Resun Chiller Cl650. About 1.5 years old. Selling for $150. Just disconnected from my tank 2 weeks ago as I upgraded. In good working condition. Buyer should do a flush water flush again before using. Sound level is reasonable except a loud shut off bang typical of resun.

Location is at Rivervale Cres. Postal code 543157 (use streetdirectory.com to get a map)

Willing to exchange for Henry's Aipstasia Eating File Fish.

Other frags available mainly small SPS frags. Just make a appointment and drop by if you want to take a look.


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I agree to meet someone this morning to pass him a milli frag. Guess what he left before his own stipulated time which I agreed with him. I got off work at 0700, drive home cut the frags, shower and then go out thinking that I am still early as we agree on 0830-0900. I reach at 0835 and guess what he left and its my fault since because I don't answer calls when I am driving. Whats the point of arranging a time with me if you are not willing to keep to the time range that you proposed.

The lesson learn: No more meeting anyone outside for my sales. If you are interested in my stuff you just have to come over when I am free.

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Additional stuff for sale:

Large Pink Milli Frag - broke off by accident when fragging the parent (see photo).

Footprint is about 12x5 cm $25.


Pink Pocci Frag - not intense pink now. might have lost some coloration as I just fragged the colony. Please view first to decide if you want it.

Large piece (the original mother colony which kind of cutted up) $20

Some small pieces $10 each (about 6cm by 2cm)

Small milli frags and zoa still available.

FCFS no reservation.

PM/Msg me to arrange to view.


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