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Oct Lelong Sales


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:lol: Good morning ! Got several items in storeroom to clear....moving house.

1. Remora Pro Skimmer -hang-on type [condition 8/10] = S$199

2. UVC-7000- 9watts [condition 8/10] = S$49

3. Eheim 1262 - 3400LPH [condition 9/10]= S$99

4. Eheim Compact 600 [condition 9/10]= S$19

5. SICCE IDRA 1300LPH [condition 8/10]= S$15

4. 3 feet - TL light set with stand [condition 7/10] = S$49

5. Rena Canister xP3 (1,350LPH) filter [condition 8/10)= S$49

6. 1.25HP Titanium RR Chiller [condition 7/10] = S$349

7. Refractometer [condition 9/10] = S$59

8. Live Rocks (medium to large size) = S$3 per kg.

Sorry no pictures ! :paiseh:

Place to collect - near Toh Yi Drive (Bukit Timah Plaza area). Those interested can let me know...or sms at 96617996. :thanks:

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Hi Bros !

Thanks for your kind interest...wish to update items and reduced price for some.

1. Remora Pro Skimmer -hang-on type [condition 8/10] = S$199

2. UVC-7000- 9watts [condition 8/10] = S$49

3. Eheim 1262 - 3400LPH [condition 9/10]= S$99 (SOLD)

4. Eheim Compact 600 [condition 9/10]= S$19

5. SICCE IDRA 1300LPH [condition 8/10]= S$15

4. 3 feet - TL light set with stand [condition 7/10] = S$29 (final reduced price)

5. Rena Canister xP3 (1,350LPH) filter [condition 8/10)= S$39 (final reduced price)

6. 1.25HP Titanium RR Chiller [condition 7/10] = S$349 (waiting confirmation)

7. Refractometer [condition 9/10] = S$59 (reserved)

8. Live Rocks (medium to large size) = S$3 per kg. (reserved)

Thanks, :thanks:

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Dear Bros !!!

I wish to provide latest update....thanks for support !!! :bow:

1. Remora Pro Skimmer -hang-on type [condition 8/10] = S$199 (now available)

2. UVC-7000- 9watts [condition 8/10] = S$49

3. Eheim 1262 - 3400LPH [condition 9/10]= S$99 (SOLD, collected)

4. Eheim Compact 600 [condition 9/10]= S$19

5. SICCE IDRA 1300LPH [condition 8/10]= S$15

4. 3 feet - TL light set with stand [condition 7/10] = S$29 (final reduced price)

5. Rena Canister xP3 (1,350LPH) filter [condition 8/10)= S$39 (SOLD, collected)

6. 1.25HP Titanium RR Chiller [condition 7/10] = S$349 (waiting confirmation)

7. Refractometer [condition 9/10] = S$59 (reserved,waiting collection tonite)

8. Live Rocks (medium to large size) = S$3 per kg. (reserved till this Friday)

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Hi Bros ! Latest updates :rolleyes:

1. UVC-7000- 9watts [condition 8/10] = S$49

2. Eheim Compact 600 [condition 9/10]= S$19

3. SICCE IDRA 1300LPH [condition 8/10]= S$15

4. Refractometer [condition 9/10] = S$59

5. 3 feet - TL light set with stand [condition 7/10] = S$29

6. 1.25HP Titanium RR Chiller [condition 7/10] = S$349

7. Remora Pro Skimmer -hang-on type [condition 8/10] = S$199 (reserved till Sat)

8. Live Rocks (medium to large size) = S$3 per kg. (reserved by Gary)

9. Eheim 1262 - 3400LPH [condition 9/10]= S$99 (SOLD, collected)

10. Rena Canister xP3 (1,350LPH) filter [condition 8/10)= S$39 (SOLD, collected)

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:rolleyes: Good evening ! Here is latest updates...thanks to all bros whom expressed interest. :bow:

1. UVC-7000- 9watts [condition 8/10] , no UV bulb= S$49

(Brand new costs $208) Used 1+yr.

2. Eheim Compact 600 [condition 9/10]= S$19

(Brand new costs $39) Used 3mths only.

3. SICCE IDRA 1300LPH [condition 8/10]= S$15

(Brand new costs $40) Used 6mths only.

4. Refractometer [condition 9/10] = S$59

(Brand new costs $150) Seldom used.

5. 3 feet - T5 light set with stand [condition 7/10] = S$29

(Brand new is $150)Used 8 mths only.

6. Remora Pro Skimmer -hang-on type [condition 8/10] with SICCE pump = S$199 (reserved till Sat)

7. Live Rocks (medium to large size) = S$3 per kg. (reserved by Garytill Sun)

8. 1.25HP Titanium RR Chiller [condition 7/10] = S$349 (Sold, collected)

9. Eheim 1262 - 3400LPH [condition 9/10]= S$99 (SOLD, collected)

10. Rena Canister xP3 (1,350LPH) filter [condition 8/10)= S$39 (SOLD, collected)

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Another update......

1. UVC-7000- 9watts [condition 8/10] , no UV bulb= S$49

(Brand new costs $208) Used 1+yr.

2. Eheim Compact 600 [condition 9/10]= S$19(Brand new costs $39) Used 3mths only.

3. SICCE IDRA 1300LPH [condition 8/10]= S$15

(Brand new costs $40) Used 6mths only.

4. Refractometer [condition 9/10] = S$59

(Brand new costs $150) Seldom used.

5. Remora Pro Skimmer -hang-on type [condition 8/10] with SICCE pump = S$199 (reserved till Sat)

6. Live Rocks (medium to large size) = S$3 per kg. (reserved by Garytill Sun)

7. 3 feet - T5 light set with stand [condition 7/10] = S$29(Sold, collected)

8. 1.25HP Titanium RR Chiller [condition 7/10] = S$349 (Sold, collected)

9. Eheim 1262 - 3400LPH [condition 9/10]= S$99 (SOLD, collected)

10. Rena Canister xP3 (1,350LPH) filter [condition 8/10)= S$39 (SOLD, collected)

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;) Another update......

1. Eheim Compact 600 [condition 9/10]= S$19(Used 3mths only)

2. SICCE IDRA 1300LPH [condition 8/10]= S$15 (Used 6mths only).

3. Salinity Refractometer with ATC [condition 9/10] = S$59 (Seldom used)

4. Remora Pro Skimmer -hang-on type [condition 8/10] with SICCE pump = S$199 (reserved till Sat)

5. Live Rocks (medium to large size) = S$3 per kg. (Sold, collected)6. UVC-7000- 9watts [condition 8/10] , no UV bulb= S$49(Sold, Collected)

7. 3 feet - T5 light set with stand [condition 7/10] = S$29(Sold, collected)

8. 1.25HP Titanium RR Chiller [condition 7/10] = S$349 (Sold, collected)

9. Eheim 1262 - 3400LPH [condition 9/10]= S$99 (SOLD, collected)

10. Rena Canister xP3 (1,350LPH) filter [condition 8/10)= S$39 (SOLD, collected)

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