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ER for my Green Anemone

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  • SRC Member

Dear all,

I just bought an Green Bubble Tip??? Anemone and Jewel Goniopora from LFS on Sat..Beautiful scene on first day...

wanted to show you all the photos...ITs my FIRST anemone and Goniapora

BUT KAN NI NA..excuse the language...it move from rock to rock..then behind my white rock and GOT STUCK in my ALIFE Overhanging Filter...inlet..So surprised that such small gaps also can go in.

Just read another thread....abt anemone getting stuck..well mine had its tentacles decomposing in the inlet...it was a disgusting MESS to clear the gunk from my filter..LUckily I manage to pull it off in time..

BUT< my poor anemone has shrunk..is no longer responsive to touch..but still moving its tentacles...

I Put it in a seperate tank fill it with some new water mixed yesterday..and a small filter with a small sponger from the main tank as bIo-filtration.

Can I nurse it back to Health??? PLs help me..sad to see a beautiful $10 anemone go to waste...

THATS not all...I realise it leaves slimy stuff ( same stuff when I touch its bottom) on my Green Flourecent Mushrooms causing white spirally stuff and Part of the mushrooms to lose its green flourescense!

My Button Poly?? does not open as fast to light now..

I call my LFS..and she told me BO bian..Anemone move from here to there..and IT can STING my other corals...IF Only I known earlier..

BUT I thought SAFE to my hands so safe to corals...I sometimes feel something on my finger...but not sure if sting..

Please Advise me....


Photos under PL tube 55 W B/w Tube and 15 W Blue Actinic FL


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  • SRC Member

Personally, I have tried a few injured anemones (about 6). Only 1 made it (I got lucky)

However, it is true that the presence of an anemone in the tank will affect the other corals. I used to have 2 anemones i my LPS tank. Although I never really saw the anemone stinging the other corals, my jewels will simply refuse to open up. When I decided to remove the anemone to put into another tank, wolluck, all the corals are opening up and stretching towards the lights like there is no tomorrow.

And the other thing is it never stay at the position you want it to. Always moving around from time to time.

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Frankly, IMO, anemones should be better left in the sea as most reeftanks are deathtraps for them/newbie reefers don't provide good lighting for them/they are not exactly reefsafe due to their mobile stinging nature.

Please don't buy livestock until you know exactly what's gonna be in store for you in terms of such incidents.

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You don't just pull an anemone out from the filter if it gets stuck. You off the power supply of your filter and wait for the anemone to detach itself. Simply just tugging on it can worsen its condition.

I strongly advise you from getting anymore anemones..considering your form of filtration..history will just repeat itself. Not to mention your lighting..which is too little for anemones. 55W B/W PL tube..meaning only 27.5 watts of white light is usable for the anemone for photosynthesis. Blue lights are mainly for aesthetic purposes...not for coral health. You can't just put an anemone in newly mixed saltwater. The fresh saltwater will literally chemical burn ur anemone.

You gotta feed your flame scallop. Phytoplankton everyday.

Goniopora...keep an eye on it..they don't do well in new tanks. You will know it is not happy if it does'nt open within a day or two.

Your luck is amazing...choosing mostly all the near impossible to keep inverts.. :blink:

Always something more important than fish.


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Personally, I have tried a few injured anemones (about 6). Only 1 made it (I got lucky)

However, it is true that the presence of an anemone in the tank will affect the other corals. I used to have 2 anemones i my LPS tank. Although I never really saw the anemone stinging the other corals, my jewels will simply refuse to open up. When I decided to remove the anemone to put into another tank, wolluck, all the corals are opening up and stretching towards the lights like there is no tomorrow.

And the other thing is it never stay at the position you want it to. Always moving around from time to time.

Yep..if an anemone is injured or stressed in any way..it will release a chemical called gluthathione or glutathione(can't remember the spelling). In a tank with inefficient protein skimming...the gluthathione levels will increase..triggering a massive firing of nematocysts from the anemone. Needless to say..whatever is in the same tank as the anemone will be affected by the barrage of nematocysts.

Always something more important than fish.


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Yep..if an anemone is injured or stressed in any way..it will release a chemical called gluthathione or glutathione(can't remember the spelling). In a tank with inefficient protein skimming...the gluthathione levels will increase..triggering a massive firing of nematocysts from the anemone. Needless to say..whatever is in the same tank as the anemone will be affected by the barrage of nematocysts.

Like an exploding fireworks factory? :fear:

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  • SRC Member

Can you speak English? I can't understand the Nemotocysts and Gluthathione?? so what do they do??:)

ANd btw, what is the recommended Lighting for me? the B/W tube is not Blue Actinic...

I have a seperate Blue Actinic Tube which I DONNO does anything or NOT..SOme Forumers tell me yes it does something SOME DON:T....in fact my LFS tell if BLue Actinic is enought as main lighting for green corals if ...The depth is low..

My tank only less 36 CM high...and I not keeping hard corals...so I don;t think ...

Ok...I definitely want an Anemone...but perhaps a nice coloured one thats NOT mobile..can someone recommend me???

The Scallop also Morgan tell me its very hard to KEEP>..if fact almost sure die after few mths of starvation.DT Plankton may or may not eat... then another Reefer tell me raise Copepods...I DONNO HOW TO?

My Goniopora is OPEN and FINE..but my mushrooms have been somewhat affected..DONNO if its the ANEMONE"s fault..

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Yep..if an anemone is injured or stressed in any way..it will release a chemical called gluthathione or glutathione(can't remember the spelling). In a tank with inefficient protein skimming...the gluthathione levels will increase..triggering a massive firing of nematocysts from the anemone. Needless to say..whatever is in the same tank as the anemone will be affected by the barrage of nematocysts.

eh nematocryst is english

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