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long nose hawk fish


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hi just got a long nose hawk fish 4 days back. rest of my fish is eating well. didnt see the hawkfish during feeding time. thought it was dead but it came out just now.

any idea if its okie to leave it or is there any fav feed that hawkfish like? i;m feeding the fish pellets as well as henry's homemade gourmet.


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  • SRC Member

long nose hawkfish is somewhat cumbersome fella. Do make sure he gets his share of food during feeding 'cos he is a little slower than the greedy tangs, dwarf angle, anthia, etc.

:) Greeting :)

Tank: 4' by 2' by 2' (CR antique)

Sump: 3' include 1' refuigm

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hi just got a long nose hawk fish 4 days back. rest of my fish is eating well. didnt see the hawkfish during feeding time. thought it was dead but it came out just now.

any idea if its okie to leave it or is there any fav feed that hawkfish like? i;m feeding the fish pellets as well as henry's homemade gourmet.


Long nose hawk (Partly due to its lack of swim bladder and partly due to their plentiful food source among gorgonians in the wild) will stalk, aim and lung forward to capture preys.

This feeding technique is not well suited for tank with fast moving fishes that feeds directly from the water column such as anthias, angels and tangs.

But all is not lost, most reefers reccommend flooding slightly more during feeding so that the LNH will learn where are how food is being introduced and consumed in your tank and will eventually learn to swim up to the water surface during feeding time.

Do note that pellets may take time to be recognized as food. Thus start with mysis or frozen food.


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My LNH did not eat what I fed for more than 2 weeks when I first acquired it(and I do not know what it ate during that time to keep alive). The frozen brineshrimp and worms that I fed were not recognised as food. Now it swims to the surface to fight for the food amongst Trigger, large Angels and Tangs.

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Live food is best for luring them to eat. Live brine shrimp. I've given live feeder baby freshwater molly from C328 too, can see the LNH "spear" for the fish. Molly will survive in marine tank.

Be careful that LNH can jump out of tank. Mine did... :cry2:

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