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my firefish been hidingg


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  • SRC Member

my firefish been hiding since i get it seldom see it.. only for a few time only 5 seconds then now totally gone liao nv see at all... wat happen?

my tank not many fishes

only one Yellow tang(SMALL)

one unicorn tang(even smaller)

one drawf lionfish

one dottyback

alot rocks and coral

now using 2ft tank with internal overflow system

filter medium all bio ring and one layer of wool filter. (recommend by coral reef aqurium)

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I would guess that your firefish got bullied to death by the dottyback. I simply don't trust dottybacks anymore.

You will need to buy alot of firefish to keep them in a group. You will also need to have a big tank to break out any aggression. I have bought a group of 3 before. 1 of them murdered the other 2 slowly...even though the tank was 4 ft.

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

okie okie my dottyback is also gone liao.. i duno why ny fish keep dying leh.. i did water change.. then i got afew fish with me for a very long time liao. i suspect is my crab that murder my fishes.. can it be?? i saw one crab around. i hope my fishes dun die anymore

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