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bare hands & anemones?


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seen this lfs owner using his bare hands to move the anemones!!! izit true that it won't sting?

I found that bubble tip anemone sting are not that lethal thus it might be able to handle them with bare hands but that definately does not applies to carpet anemone, man they sting like crazy(used to touch one, so sticky!!)

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not sure if sting = stick. i've handled only bubbles and carpets before and they don't sting. carpet sure is sticky as hell! actually, for bubble tip, they're actually quite nice to hold/fondle as you get used to them. they can feel like.. ermm..

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  • SRC Member
not sure if sting = stick. i've handled only bubbles and carpets before and they don't sting. carpet sure is sticky as hell! actually, for bubble tip, they're actually quite nice to hold/fondle as you get used to them. they can feel like.. ermm..

Haa haa, we need the new section under Kopi Tiam quick !!!

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Handling marine invertebrates and corals that inflict stings - just don't let them touch the thinner more sensitive skin like the wrist or the inner part of your arm. Or the webbing between your fingers.

The palm with its calloused thicker skin will provide better protection.

However, speaking from experience, the spines of a sea urchin will even penetrate gloves and give you a truly unforgettable experience. The thought of it still shrivels me up.

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Becareful when removing them from the glass wall or whatever they are attached too. A damaged base will give an anemone a veryvery low survival rate. Bag them underwater. Taking them out of the water and subjecting them to the forces of gravity are'nt really the most sensible thing to do. Stabilise the water in the bag to the same salinity as your main tank to prevent osmotic shock to the anemone.

Eh Cleartank..your emperor shrimp deceased? I have'nt seen mine also.. think oso gone liao. :rolleyes:

Always something more important than fish.


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Yea...I got pricked by a diadema once...not my fault!! It attacked me! Beware of urchins..they are evil.

Yeah rite! :D It attacked you!

I got pricked doing a nite dive, that's when they really come out in droves.... trying to take the photo of this cuttlefish as seen in this Sipadan Dive thread.

I put my hand down without looking and got what could be described as an electric shock combined with touching molten metal. :cry:

Like you, I am part sea urchin now... lol!

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Yeah rite! :D It attacked you!

I got pricked doing a nite dive, that's when they really come out in droves.... trying to take the photo of this cuttlefish as seen in this Sipadan Dive thread.

I put my hand down without looking and got what could be described as an electric shock combined with touching molten metal. :cry:

Like you, I am part sea urchin now... lol!

You don't look that round :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Becareful when removing them from the glass wall or whatever they are attached too. A damaged base will give an anemone a veryvery low survival rate. Bag them underwater. Taking them out of the water and subjecting them to the forces of gravity are'nt really the most sensible thing to do. Stabilise the water in the bag to the same salinity as your main tank to prevent osmotic shock to the anemone.

Eh Cleartank..your emperor shrimp deceased? I have'nt seen mine also.. think oso gone liao. :rolleyes:

yeah man, my E.shrimp die liao.... Kana kill by my cleaner.... :(

Anyway, put anemone in bag liao then how to take it out??? :blink:

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