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3FT set-up for sale

ah boy

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Hi all

Updates...remaining items for sales...buy items and get freebies...test kits...additives...and discounts...


4. DIY 4x39W HO with ATI tubes mounted ona wooden plank [Price revised to $88]

5. Resun 650 chiller 2yr old [ Price revised to SGD188]

7. Eheim 1262 return pump [Price revised to $120]

8. Resun FR [Price revised to $18]

9. Corals:

- prata bicolour orange [Price revised to $90]

- prata bicolour red [Price revised to $110]

- prata lumi green and white [Price revised to $55]

- Elegance [Price revised to $50]

- assorted mushrooms $8 to $20

(purple, red, green, brown)

- zoos (red, green, pink, pale green) $8 to $20

- Green short tip plate [Price revised to $20]

- Green gonio $10

- Red Cynarina $55

13. 1 rock of 2 Orange tip Yuma [Price revised to $12] (about 1" dia per poly)

14. 1 poly of orange Yuma $6 (opens up to 2.5" dia)

15. Fishes: Blue Tang $15 (4.5")

Brown Tang $10 (3")

Long nose hawk $10 (3")

Algae Blenny $8 (3.5") - big and fat fellow

Purple dotty back $6 (2")

Interest parties can contact me at 9794 3360.


Wai Yip

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Hi all

Updates...remaining items for sales...buy items and get freebies...test kits...additives...and discounts...


5. Resun 650 chiller 2yr old [ Price revised to SGD188]

7. Eheim 1262 return pump [Price revised to $120]

9. Corals:

- prata bicolour red [Price revised to $100]

- prata lumi green and white [Price revised to $50]

- Elegance [Price revised to $45]

- assorted mushrooms $8 to $20

(purple, red, green, brown)

- zoos (red, green, pink, pale green) $8 to $20

- Green short tip plate [Price revised to $20]

- Green gonio $10

- Red Cynarina $50

13. 1 rock of 2 Orange tip Yuma [Price revised to $12] (about 1" dia per poly)

14. 1 poly of orange Yuma $6 (opens up to 2.5" dia)

Brown Tang $10 (3")

Long nose hawk $10 (3")

Algae Blenny $8 (3.5") - big and fat fellow

Purple dotty back $6 (2")

Interest parties can contact me at 9794 3360.


Wai Yip

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Hi all

Managed to clear most of my stuff:

Here's the remaining

A. 2 head Hammer (green tips) S$10

B. Green Plate S$10

C. Red zoos S$8

D. Dull Green zoos S$8

E. Pink Zoos S$8

F. 2 x Purple mushrooms colony S$5 each colony

G. 1 x bright Red mushroom colony S$15

H. 1 x green mushroom colony S$5

I. 1 x brown mushroom colony S$5

J. Liverocks....coralina algae encrusted S$3/kg

Interested parties can contact me at 9794 3360.


Wai Yip

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Hi All

Another aeroplane case....chiller still up for sale.

Here's the remaining...at rock bottom prices

A. 2 head Hammer (green tips) S$10

B. Green Plate S$10

C. Red zoos S$5

D. Dull Green zoos S$5

E. Pink Zoos S$5

F. 2 x Purple mushrooms colony S$4 each colony

G. 1 x bright Red mushroom colony S$10

H. 1 x green mushroom colony S$4

I. 1 x brown mushroom colony S$4

J. Liverocks....coralina algae encrusted S$3/kg

3ft DE 4x39W HO lightings set...selling at only $180 nett

(Tubes are all ATI, one month old => 2 x white, 2 x blue.)

Resun 650 chiller at S$180

Call me at 9794 3360


Wai Yip

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