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Phos Guard


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  • SRC Member

Phosguard definitely works, but due to the cost, it's really only a short term fix. You will need to find a long term solution to reduce phosphate. Try reducing feeding, better skimming, macroalgae refugium, increase circulation to remove trapped detritus...etc.


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3v|L,Dec 11 2002, 11:42 AM]don use chemicals, bad for ur fishes and corals.

Do you know what you are talking about? ;)


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  • SRC Member

phosguard does work,following the instructions that come with it- but as tanzy says! burning hole in pocket!Even at half dosage.

i'm going thru a bottle a month.

Here are some new- regenerative kind of media,Top picks in the US market.

1) Purigen

Purigen is a synthetic adsorbent, not a mixture of ion exchangers or adsorbents, but a unique macro-porous synthetic polymer that removes soluble and insoluble impurities from water. Purigen removes proteins, nitrites and nitrates, ammonia, and a broad spectrum of organics. Purigen darkens progressively as it exhausts, and is easily renewed by treating with household bleach.

2) Poly-Filter Pads

The Poly-Bio Filter Pad, by Poly-Bio-Marine, Inc. With Poly-Filters, all water impurities like phosphates, nitrates, copper, silicates, and even ammonia are absorbed. The pads can be regenerated by simple rinsing in saltwater (saltwater use can be regenerated by the reverse, rinsing in freshwater). The pad design allows for use in canister filters or any other type of filtration system..(Product Review)

3) HyperSorb

A synthetic adsorbent with organic removal capacity. HyperSorb also stabilizes pH and ionic balance, removes pollutants and helps control ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.

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Thank you guys for all the valuable advises....my algae problem still exist...though not as bad as the previous time where I dun use phos guard at all...yes it is expensive and as for burning a hole in the pocket...those who are interested can pm me....I have reliable overseas lobang to get it cheaper...at least S$20 for 1L bottle of phosguard....but you have to order in US$ and preferably in bulk so that your savings on items purchased will offset the shipment charges


Will find out more on PO-4 minus, purigen and hypersob....poly filter pads I am also using and I find it very effective. I am using UV-Sterilizer as well

Tanzy, I am already putting my fish on a strict diet....definitely no overfeeding....skimming wise I guess I am quite comfortable with it....sorie...no refugium for me yet....maybe in the future....refugium with macroalgae will it help?....my tank is about 70 gallon....using 2x 400 gallon power head....i think the circulation wise...i am quite comfortable

Phang, does Sailfin Tang really worsen the algae problem? If I know that, I would not have bought it in the 1st place.

AT, so is PO-4 minus that is reducing your algae problem or AZ-NO3?

Bawater, will try purigen & hypersob....does your tank have algae problem after using these items?

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  • SRC Member

The macroalgae refugium is a very good form or nutrient export. Most definitely will help if set up properly.


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  • SRC Member
The macroalgae refugium is a very good form or nutrient export. Most definitely will help if set up properly.

Tanzy, can you elaborate more on what you mean by setting it properly? I am now doing a macroalgae in my sump, I just put all the algae in the compartment, lighting on for 13 hours, same cycle as the main tank. Does that means properly setup :blink: please advised, thanks.

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  • SRC Member
phosguard does work,following the instructions that come with it- but as tanzy says! burning hole in pocket!Even at half dosage.

i'm going thru a bottle a month.

Here are some new- regenerative kind of media,Top picks in the US market.

1) Purigen

Purigen is a synthetic adsorbent, not a mixture of ion exchangers or adsorbents, but a unique macro-porous synthetic polymer that removes soluble and insoluble impurities from water. Purigen removes proteins, nitrites and nitrates, ammonia, and a broad spectrum of organics. Purigen darkens progressively as it exhausts, and is easily renewed by treating with household bleach.

2) Poly-Filter Pads

The Poly-Bio Filter Pad, by Poly-Bio-Marine, Inc. With Poly-Filters, all water impurities like phosphates, nitrates, copper, silicates, and even ammonia are absorbed. The pads can be regenerated by simple rinsing in saltwater (saltwater use can be regenerated by the reverse, rinsing in freshwater). The pad design allows for use in canister filters or any other type of filtration system..(Product Review)

3) HyperSorb

A synthetic adsorbent with organic removal capacity. HyperSorb also stabilizes pH and ionic balance, removes pollutants and helps control ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.

Hi Bawater,

I've been to the website but I do not quite understand the word "regenerate".... Do you mean that those Poly-filters after being used can be re-used again just by washing in another set of clean saltwater? But it says when it turn brownish green, then need to discard already~!

Would it be cheaper than Phosguard? I've calculated, if continued using phosguard.. in a years time, you'll would almost have paid for a cheap RO/DI unit already...

Guys, just to ask.. issit normal to wake up in the morning to see that bryopsis has turned white? Of coz I switch off the refugium lights at night... but when i switch the lights on when i wake up.. it colours back to its green.....

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  • SRC Member

regenerate means u can use it again, of couse if u use it in saltwater u need to 'regenerate' in a diff solution- be it freshwater or in some media stated bleach.

It will change its colours once it has absorbed in tank chemicals(including medication). With all these regenerate products they can only be used a certain number of times before u have to discard them.(if not how would the manufacturers turn profits)

with US products u can be sure to follow the instructions on use cause they do have specific R&D budgets. Especially on medications!!!i cannot stress enough not to use local made liquid meds!!!! u will only be poisoning your tank(i shall not mention specific brand,but its contents mixed by agak agak methods in rusted metal drums).

FYI- even wooden diffusers can be regenerated by soaking in normal diluted bleach then boiled in FW. Then soak in water with anti-chlorine for added measures. This will allow u to re-use it again up to a max of 2-3 times.

$$ wise, really your decision.

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i thk i will not risk my corals/fishes with regenerated polyfilter pads....well like you mention....."if not how would the manufacturers turn profits"...if can regenerate then their profit will be lower. Trying to save a few dollars here and there may end up in disaster for your tank. Because you may never know how the water chemistry changes overnight? Your polyfilter may end up saving your entire tank.

Wat's ya opinion, AT? Do you use polyfilter and regenerate them? B):blink::unsure:

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  • SRC Member
phosguard does work,following the instructions that come with it- but as tanzy says! burning hole in pocket!Even at half dosage.

i'm going thru a bottle a month.

Here are some new- regenerative kind of media,Top picks in the US market.

1) Purigen

Purigen is a synthetic adsorbent, not a mixture of ion exchangers or adsorbents, but a unique macro-porous synthetic polymer that removes soluble and insoluble impurities from water. Purigen removes proteins, nitrites and nitrates, ammonia, and a broad spectrum of organics. Purigen darkens progressively as it exhausts, and is easily renewed by treating with household bleach.

2) Poly-Filter Pads

The Poly-Bio Filter Pad, by Poly-Bio-Marine, Inc. With Poly-Filters, all water impurities like phosphates, nitrates, copper, silicates, and even ammonia are absorbed. The pads can be regenerated by simple rinsing in saltwater (saltwater use can be regenerated by the reverse, rinsing in freshwater). The pad design allows for use in canister filters or any other type of filtration system..(Product Review)

3) HyperSorb

A synthetic adsorbent with organic removal capacity. HyperSorb also stabilizes pH and ionic balance, removes pollutants and helps control ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.

I seem to remember that the label said Purigen can be regenerated by muriatic (hydrochloric) acid? Nothing about bleach?

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errr....1 question

isn't purigen suppose to mix together with AC(act carbon)?

if so...how to seperate those tiny particles(AC from purigen)?both are very fine and i think it takes days to seperate them.

or do you mean put the AC in a bag...then put purigen in another bag...finally put the purigen bag into the AC bag...err....abit confusing hor

sorie har :ph34r::(

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Strange things are happening..... I have alage problem so I bought seachem PhospateGuard, put the stuff in a filter bag and use it from wednesday night. Last night, the feather dusters stopped coming out.

Is this due to the PhosGuard? Thanks for any insights..

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Live Rock,

How long have you been keeping your feather dusters?

From what I experienced b4, feather dusters will eventually escape from their 'holder' and get themselves attach to your LR.

Why dun u try to look around the place where you put your FD. You may find a worm like thing attach somewhere. If your other corals are continuing to open, then I hardly think so that the phosguard is preventing your FD from coming out.

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Muriatic acid is the common name for hydrochloric acid, but to regenerate the resins, you will require concentrated HCl acid, not recommended unless you have the facilities to do it.

If it is attempted, please remember to neutralise the acid by adding sodium carbonate or bicarbonate until the fizzing stops before pouring it away.


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