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RedSea Max


Which colour will you choose if you are getting one?  

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  1. 1. Which colour will you choose if you are getting one?

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It still to reduce liao after fews day running w/o mod. :P

Sorry typo error.

What i mean is the bubble starts to reduce liao. Hopefully it'll disappear after a month of running :angel: !


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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  • 5 months later...


Hi all,

I have manage to fit in my DIYed filtering box with Tunze 9002 skimmer inside my 6 months old RSM tank .

Result is very promising as the DSB is show no sign of diatom liao :biggrin2: .

There is no more headace Microbubble issue N water is crystal clear compare to RSM original skimmer especially the top layer of the water :biggrinbounce2: !

Here come the picture...





All comments and feedback are welcome.


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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  • SRC Member

Hi all,

I have manage to fit in my DIYed filtering box with Tunze 9002 skimmer inside my 6 months old RSM tank .

Result is very promising as the DSB is show no sign of diatom liao :biggrin2: .

There is no more headace Microbubble issue N water is crystal clear compare to RSM original skimmer especially the top layer of the water :biggrinbounce2: !

Here come the picture...





All comments and feedback are welcome.

Seems not bad on this small skimmer...bro, u cant close the lid after you install? seems that the cup is protruding out.

And PM me on the price tag on these and also the location...i may think of getting one for my small tank! :D

Great tank scape! more pics!!! :D

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Seems not bad on this small skimmer...bro, u cant close the lid after you install? seems that the cup is protruding out.

And PM me on the price tag on these and also the location...i may think of getting one for my small tank! :D

Great tank scape! more pics!!! :D

yes...the lid can't close due to the cup height of the skimmer. will PM u soon.


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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Have anyone sucessfully mod the stock lighting to MH(150W)?

Think of modifying mine t0 20k MH bulb :eyebrow: .


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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Here the picture taken from nanotuners that mod the stock lighting to 70W HQI with 2x18W Actinic PC .


more info...nanotuners RSM

I'm thinkin of mod RSM to150W 20KK/14KK HQI with dimming eballast and 2 ProLight 3W Blue LED PG1N-3LBS for moonlighting effect :eyebrow: .

Wat do you think... :rolleyes: .? can the canopy withstand the heat :upsidedown: ?

Pls input your comment :bow: ?


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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  • 4 months later...
My one moonlight is giving me some issues...It shines but only at like 2% of what it should...

How do one open the hood?

Hi gfishy,

Remove the top cover and lay it flat(inverted) on a working desk/table. Thereafter remove the plastic caps with minus screwdriver and the philips head screws will be revealed. unscrew it together with the 2 securing screw on the lights clip(yes remove the light cover and lights) and you got it.

However, might be difficult to replace the leds as you will need some electrical background and soldering work. Plus the purchase blue LED might not give you the actinic blue effect.

Propose you incorporate the Hydor blue/moon light into your setup to make things easier.... tat's what i am going to doing when my LEDs blow out.


RedSea Max 34 Gal w SunSun canister filter/built in UV

2 x 55W T5(original) + 2 x ATi 24W 2' DIY VHO T5

Hailea 150A chiller

Original RedSea Prizm skimmer

2 x Korallia Nano

1 x Korallia Hydro Flo

BM 101 3 channel Dosing pump

Snail Ph Meter

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  • SRC Member
Hi gfishy,

Remove the top cover and lay it flat(inverted) on a working desk/table. Thereafter remove the plastic caps with minus screwdriver and the philips head screws will be revealed. unscrew it together with the 2 securing screw on the lights clip(yes remove the light cover and lights) and you got it.

However, might be difficult to replace the leds as you will need some electrical background and soldering work. Plus the purchase blue LED might not give you the actinic blue effect.

Propose you incorporate the Hydor blue/moon light into your setup to make things easier.... tat's what i am going to doing when my LEDs blow out.


LED is still working but it seems like it doesn't get enough power to light up...

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  • 5 weeks later...
hi bro,

do you still get micro bubbles from your DIYed IFS system? My RSM is having this problem and wonder how to solve this problem. By the way, do you make and sell or why can i buy?


Hi kohray,

Welcome to RSM world..... :lol: :lol: :lol: !

For me, the MicroBubbles(MB) come from stock skimmer so I replaced to Tunze 9002 then problem solved :eyebrow: .There are a few thingy that may cause MB such as too low water level at the last chamber, skimmer, 2 return pump, black sponge and the stock filter media. You have to isolate individual item to rectify which one is the culprit before countermeasure :whistle .

Regards to IFS system, it will not solve the mircobubble issue but instead doing the 1st layer filtering so that the debris will not struck/jam the skimmer pump and also purifying the water by the active carbon locate at the 2nd layer.

There are many world RSM reefers gathering at ReefCentral which they also facing MB issue and they do providing personnel experience for solving MB issue :rolleyes: .

I would suggest you visit reefcentral to learn more and happy reefing :P


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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  • 1 year later...
Anyone bought the RedSea MAX 250 ? Any feedback .........

I think it is already available here at http://aquamarin.com.sg/aproducts.asp?bcID...p;catname=Tanks



The price is too Ex... :eyeblur: !


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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