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Replenishing the Ocean


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Hi guys,

Thought of giving something back to the ocean from which we have derived so much pleasure?

Visit Care2.com: http://oceans.care2.com/

Just a click and giving sponsors the 'eyeball', a small donation will be made to Oceana's ocean protection programs.

There are additional information there if you are interested.

Just in case u are wondering, this is NOT a scam.

Its genuine and since we've been 'taking', I thought its time we return the favour.


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Thanks [d]3v|L.

Well, its just a metric they use to measure the extent of your contribution.

You can only click once a day so if you keep coming back every day, you'll see how much you distance (conservation effort) you made.

Not to mention the feel good factor....

It does not cost you a cent, except perhaps 5 miuntes of your online time....

With every click, a minute amount of say 1 cent is donated to Oceana, an non-profit organisation which advocates ocean conservation.

If you notice, they have other campaigns, Save the Rainforest (sq feet of forest saved), Big Cats (sq ft of territory), Primates (bananas) and Prevention of Breast Cancer.

Do give it a go

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  • SRC Member

Juz on the same topic, anyone read abt this article regarding some marine fellows put in some pvc together with some "reef bag" (which i do not know what it's) into western area of singapore. This structure suppose to help promote coral life or something. I think one of them is a SP student.

Anyone got more detail into it? i read it from the newpaper sometime back

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Not that I have much opportunity to read newspaper (no life lah, that's why starting marine tank, a man needs a hobby man)

But I did a search, and viola, thanks Spade, its all about an artificial reef.

"SP students created a 10x5 feet artificial reef that consists of an array of orifices to serve as a habitat for marine flora and fauna, and an underwater lighting and cathodic potential system that attracts marine life.

Called "SEACIL" affectionately, reflects the idea of the sea and also the concept of sealant which is what the artificial reef is - a pouring of a grout (cement) sealant into a bag frame to create a concrete underwater strcture. A few structures can then be made to combine it into a larger design."


Something to think about, wonder if we could somehow achieve it, that way we'll never run out of corals...... :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

In australia, they dump old army tanks in the sea to build up their reefs.. And its working.. Last time I dove there, there were plenty of marine life, one large blue Napoleon Wrasse, couple of sweet lips and millions of tiny fishes.. Maybe we should do the same.. :)

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