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Cardinal fish & urchin?


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Hi, saw some banggai cardinal fishes and pincushion urchin (i think so) at Sealife yesterday. Have some questions..

1. Is cardinal fish aggressive? I thought of getting a school of this fish (only

3 lah!). Will they pose danger to my other fishes like tangs/flame

hawk/angels or vice versa?

2. What about the urchin? Is it ok for Reef tank? The boss says that it is

good for cleaning the sand/algae. Is there any danger if it dies (give out

toxic or..)?

And if i can't have the school of banggai cardinal, is anthias a better choice?

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i've got a bangii cardinal n it seems quite peaceful. it doesn't harass my other fish... however, they onli eat meaty stuff for their diet, so u can't feed them wif pellets or any vege kinda food...

i read sumwhere dat they dun really mix well wif the same kind. i mite be wrong so can any experts out there clarify this???

sorry, no exp wif urchins...

hope i was sum help :D

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Banggais are peaceful reef fishes.

Urchins are good for algae control but they are known to be troublesome as they will knock down corals, pierce and damage corals and eat coralline algae. They could be hurt you too if you are careless... :) I always look out below when I sink down to the sandbed when diving and watch where I place my hands! :D

I don't believe when they die they will release toxins... but you should probably remove the dropped spines and any dead matter immediately.

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I have bought 3 banggai cardinal (with different sizes). They adapt quite well. The damsel did not disturb them but my fire goby seem afraid of them and staying away. Will see if they breed ?? (i heard they store the eggs/fries in their mouth?) Or any advice on how to do it? Really that easy?

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  • SRC Member
I have bought 3 banggai cardinal (with different sizes). They adapt quite well. The damsel did not disturb them but my fire goby seem afraid of them and staying away. Will see if they breed ?? (i heard they store the eggs/fries in their mouth?) Or any advice on how to do it? Really that easy?

I seem to remember that two of banggais will pair up and then ostracize the 3rd one, can't really remember. Do a search on Yahoo! about banggai breeding. There are tons of info on it.

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