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How to secure anemones


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  • SRC Member

Hi, just hope to get some advice on how to secure anoemones? i understand tat the like to move around and find their best spot but i got 1 which dont stick or bury in sand? once filter on will roll here n there. my another bubble tip stick like super glue leh? y this 1 dun? How to secure 1 that dun stick?


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  • SRC Member

u know i've seen anemone literally bounce away from an impending giant starfish to safety! on discovery channel. after it senses danger, it'll detach itself from the ground, and "hop" till it found a place it is happy with.

but in a tank, of cos thats not very likely. its most likely that u've a unhealthy anemone. does it feel sticky to the touch? if i'm you, i'll probably try to shove its base into a gap or cave among your rocks and hope for the best. be sure to find a place with the best access to lights and low current though.

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  • SRC Member

well a healthy anemone certainly sticks. maybe the curent in the tank is too strong? anyway if your current is strong enough to sweep it away, most likely even if your anemone manages to stick onto a surface, its going to be crawling all over your tank and stinging everything in its path till it finds a nice currentless spot.

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  • SRC Member

I always think fixing anemone is like tie them up...like in prison... i would let them choose where they like... let them choose the area they would want to stick to... then use little force to adjust them to nearby position of your wanting...

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oki, I have been playing with anemone since I started marine. (like expert, but i started only in June)

Anemone would like to move ard, there's pretty no way u can make it stay in one spot. As long as the location has good light n sufficient flow. It will stay there, till one fine day, it decides to move house again.

The only way I can secure the anemone is put them in a betta cage together with my clowns. That's not good enough, then get a plastic container those use for soup or mee one, drop your anemone inside. put a reasonable size LR on top. (with gaps) secure LR anyway u want. It won't hurt the anemone, n also it got the light source u want. only minus pot.

their requirement - good strong like, some shrimp meat, low nitrate. high nitrate will slowly kill them.

yes, I touch everything in my tank with bare hands. but got a aqua gloves after my hands start to get wrinkles n roughen a fair bit. expect cuts n stings playing with bare hands, so proceed with care.

* do note, anemone expel stale water n will shrink at times, though it looks dead, just let it be n monitor. Dun just cause it shrink n look dead, u start to throw away. when the anemone loses its stickness properties or have a tear, then beware.

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