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Protein skimmer - MACRO


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By reading this tread, i have solve my problem.

I have bougt a macro few days ago.

I found out that when I off the return pump, the water in the macro keep rising untill it flood the collection cup.

According to you guys explaination that the water level depends on the depth of the pump. Thats means that when I off the return pump the water level i the sump increase and that cause the water in the macro to rise as well.

In the end i have to connect the 2 pump into the same switch so that I switch off both pump together.

I think it is not a good designin this area.

You can always rise the skimmer up so that the skimmer is above the water level.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,

I was thinking of getting marco AS100P for an upgrade(weipro2012).

I am using a 2ft tank, no sump. From the reviews I read seem like it cannot be hang on like a weipro, but shop tell me can be done. Pls help me to verify this.

btw the way can I used back my Ehem pump that support the weipro for the marco and wat the flow rate need for the marco. mine ehem 1250 I guess abt 1200l/hr.


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  • SRC Member

as100P comes with the pump so u dun need to worry about whether u can use yr eheim

i also jus converted from 2012 to as100P today and volks, it can be hang on, trust me cos i jus bought it todae :lol:

as for the macro as350P i've been using on my 5footer, i'm very sure i didn't buy the wrong skimmer, it can skim out alot in 3 days during the starting phase of my tank when i had only 2 tangs.

during the same period, in comparision, my weipro 2012 (which serves my 10fish fowlr) skims out less in 1 week than wat the 350 (which serves only 2 fishes) skims out in 3 days

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

Erm, not sure if this is considered hi-jacking this thread... :P

Anyway, having browsed through the Macro website, I realised that the "specs" of AS250P is the same as AS350P, except the output max capacity. Can anyone advise what's the difference between these 2 skimmers, other than the output and price? Maybe I missed out something?


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  • 2 months later...

there are a few established marine shops around KL.

I am talking about the old skool and the new skool.

old skool - Unique Bubbles. Taman Tun Dr. Ismail. Closed on Mondays. Has a large 6 X 4 X 4 tank mixed lps and sps tank. The owner is Brian. Nice fella. Has imported stuff like Tunze, Laguna, Eheim, Seachem, Dupla etc. Contact No. 02 03 7727 0341. Can negotiate. Speaks cantonese/mandarin/english. Prices negotiable. Not Still. Brian very helpful.

The new skool players in the market - East Aqua Marine Studio :evil:

Head office - 02 03 9283 7571 Person to contact - Jimmy

Branch - Ikano Power Centre 02 03 7728 7571 Person to contact - Kenny

Good Stuff. Agent for red sea and some other brands. does not carry that much of american and british products. view to appreciate. The Head office moved from Taman Maluri Cheras to the Jalan Cheras Main Road. Same contact no. The coy is setting up a 12 feet lps/sps mixed tank. speaks cantonese/mandarin/english/malay

Note: This shop is big time professional in the country. Prices are a little stiff. I hardly come to this place. People here are not really that friendly.

Kedai Ikan Utara - Kepong :fear:

Current agent for dupla. Nice fella. Can speak hokkien/mandarin/teochew/malay/slight english :rolleyes:

Prices can negotiate. currently pursuing reef aquariums.

Teco chillers also can be found here.

02 03 6277 0300

Pusat Akuarium Batu Karang Laut ("PABKL")- Subang Jaya SS 15 (Section 15) back of Gazebo restaurant.

One of the pioneers in marine products. They carry loads of live stock, LPS/SPS, nudibranchs etc. tonnes of fishes. shipment every other 3 to 4 days.

can speak hokkien/mandarin/teochew/english/malay.

not that friendly. But can try if you guys flash your $$$.

02 03 5633 1743.

88 marine aquarium. www.88marine.com

one of those pioneer batch in marine industry. initially brought dupla into the country. now one of the agents for sera, JBL, red sea, seachem, eheim, JBJ artica chillers, seio pumps, eden, macro protein skimmers.

Tonnes of stock. No discount.

02 03 4295 9160 (Pandan Indah)

02 03 5632 2688 (Subang Jaya) - a few shoplots away from ("PABKL")

Note: This company makes their own tanks, sumps, refugiums, MH hoods, T5 hoods, everything.

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  • 3 weeks later...
i am using the Macro JS-350 Venturi Series driven with Atman 107 pump. The skimmate product was pure "lao sai" with black coffee.. very pleased with the skimmer i am currently using now.

new kid in malaysia,need some help.

buy amacro 300l with no perfomance.

can't adjust water level keep overflow.

spec. recoment 2500l pump but I using

Atmant 106 4000L pump 2 drive it.need

some advise. :thanks:

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  • SRC Member
as100P comes with the pump so u dun need to worry about whether u can use yr eheim

i also jus converted from 2012 to as100P today and volks, it can be hang on, trust me cos i jus bought it todae :lol:

as for the macro as350P i've been using on my 5footer, i'm very sure i didn't buy the wrong skimmer, it can skim out alot in 3 days during the starting phase of my tank when i had only 2 tangs.

during the same period, in comparision, my weipro 2012 (which serves my 10fish fowlr) skims out less in 1 week than wat the 350 (which serves only 2 fishes) skims out in 3 days


Is this the one that you purchased;


So it can be hang on the back of the tank? May I know which shop you purchased from as I couldn't find it in the east aread? Is it below $100 or more than that?

Sorry for asking so many questions? Thank you.

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  • SRC Member
So it can be hang on the back of the tank? May I know which shop you purchased from as I couldn't find it in the east aread? Is it below $100 or more than that?

I wouldn't recommend hanging in on your tank although it can because its pretty big and is very heavy...quite an amt of stress on your glass if you hang it

when i used it, i let it sit on a stack of newspapers

its more than $100/- but should be less than 200

look for it at aquamarin or bio ocean...i only know of these 2 places :)

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  • SRC Member

I wouldn't recommend hanging in on your tank although it can because its pretty big and is very heavy...quite an amt of stress on your glass if you hang it

when i used it, i let it sit on a stack of newspapers

its more than $100/- but should be less than 200

look for it at aquamarin or bio ocean...i only know of these 2 places :)

Thanks for the info.

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  • SRC Member

can't help but notice that the structure of AS-100 is different from AS-200 above. w/o the 45 degrees jet hole and stuff.

care to advice, whether a AS100 is as efficient as its larger bros, and of course, for their various recommended tank sizes lahz. haha.

anyone knows how much is a as100 going for? second hand?

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