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My 1st set up!!


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Hi Guys and Gals,

I started my very first tank about 2 weeks ago after reading all the useful info in this forum and getting advices from Hendry(ML is just a 5 mins walk away from my house therefore i am always there when in doubts of my set up). But i guess a couple of weeks in reading up wont get me a better set up and there is always room for improvement. kk... enuff crap//

Here are the specs of mi tank.

Tank: 90(L) X 50(B) X 80(H) 10 mm thickness with IOS

Sump : 65(L) X 40(B) X 40(H) (Inculding a mini refugium of 30(L) in it)

Chiller : Resun C0100 (Partically running 12 hrs in the day only shutting down when i am home to swicth on my room aircon)

Lighting: 2 X 150Watt MH

Return pump : Ehiem 1260

PH : 2 X Maxijet

Hmm.. hope i covered everything.

I started cycling with 30++ kg LR two weeks ago but i never really got a ammonia spike though the rocks had alot of die offs. (Pls advise)

Did a test earlier.





Testkit = Tetratest.

So the BIG question?? Is my tank cycled? Do u all think i can probaly add some snails or shrimps this weekend??



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  • SRC Member

If the rocks had die-offs, not really necessary to put in a market prawn. Read that a problem resulting from the use of the market prawn is high NO3 unless you remove it before it completely disappears.

As long as NO2 or NH3 is detectable, your tank isn't fully cycled. Wait till NO2 hits 0, then you can start stocking up the tank slowly. Personally, i doubt NO2 will hit 0 by this weekend but there's quite a gd chance by next wkend NO2 will be 0.

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Nicely done! Much better compared to the first tanks of even some gurus here.. :D

Anyway..patience is the key..just wait 2 more weeks and everything will be fine. No harm waiting right?

Add your corals first before you add any fish. Corals put less bioload on your biological filtration. Less chances of a sudden ammonia spike causing new tank syndrome. As your biological filtration adjusts to your bioload and stabilises....you can then add your fishes. Do it slowly..about 1-2 fish (depending on size..like 1 yellow tang = 3 small gobies, etc) per week would be a safe bet.

Always something more important than fish.


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Hi Guys and Gals,

I started my very first tank about 2 weeks ago after reading all the useful info in this forum and getting advices from Hendry(ML is just a 5 mins walk away from my house therefore i am always there when in doubts of my set up). But i guess a couple of weeks in reading up wont get me a better set up and there is always room for improvement. kk... enuff crap//

Here are the specs of mi tank.

Tank: 90(L) X 50(B) X 80(H) 10 mm thickness with IOS

Sump : 65(L) X 40(B) X 40(H) (Inculding a mini refugium of 30(L) in it)

Chiller : Resun C0100 (Partically running 12 hrs in the day only shutting down when i am home to swicth on my room aircon)

Lighting: 2 X 150Watt MH

Return pump : Ehiem 1260

PH : 2 X Maxijet

Hmm.. hope i covered everything.

I started cycling with 30++ kg LR two weeks ago but i never really got a ammonia spike though the rocks had alot of die offs. (Pls advise)

Did a test earlier.





Testkit = Tetratest.

So the BIG question?? Is my tank cycled? Do u all think i can probaly add some snails or shrimps this weekend??



Hey i think you better upgrade your chiller into at leas a 1/4hp....... used to use Cl-100 like yours for my 3 footer and the chiller could not even cool down my tank to a fare bit(oh yah also using 2X150watt)

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  • SRC Member
Hmmm.... i am using tetra test kit..

How do i know id NO2 is 0. From the colour chart, there isnt a colour for 0 NO2. the min is <0.3 mg/l, which is what i got when i test my water.

Test with the tap water n chk the colour,if ur SW colour result same as the FW result should be zero already,happy cycling.

My decomm 4ft FOWLR

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Tks for the compliments.... hope the structure of the rocks are secure though.. dun wish to see any snails doing damange to the rock works.

Will see how the cycling goes and maybe test the paras this weekend and post the results again. One thing for sure, the die offs like not so much liao.

And one more thing..

As I bought the cheap rocks from Pasir Ris, most of the rocks i only rinse abit then put into my tank liao.. thus causing like lotsa dust and debris on my rocks now. Will the snails or cleanners I buy in future eat them up?? CAn i just leave them there?? Will they disappear over time??



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Hi Dispar,

Like i mentioned, the chiller is switched on almost 12 hours a day..(Mom is gona kill me when she sees the electric bill.) haha. It only stops when i return home and switch on my room aircon.


I am getting a second hand Teco chiller soon. Think it is a 1/2 hp one.

Tks for the advice.


Wana to check with u guys if the exhaust form the chillers?? Is it harmful?? Dun noe whetther placing the chiller in my aircon bedroom and mi sleeping in it will do harm to me anot??


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Hi Dispar,

Like i mentioned, the chiller is switched on almost 12 hours a day..(Mom is gona kill me when she sees the electric bill.) haha. It only stops when i return home and switch on my room aircon.


I am getting a second hand Teco chiller soon. Think it is a 1/2 hp one.

Tks for the advice.


Wana to check with u guys if the exhaust form the chillers?? Is it harmful?? Dun noe whetther placing the chiller in my aircon bedroom and mi sleeping in it will do harm to me anot??


My mum is killing me already due to my MH and chiller....... Anyway i used to sleep directly in front of my chiller and till now i am alive and kicking so what could happen!!! :lol::lol::lol: okok kidding, hope some gurus here can give you answer on whther the exhaust is bad for health....But one thing for sure, sleeping in front of it is very hot :lol::lol::lol:

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Hey guys,

I did a water check again.

NH3/4 = 0

NO2 = 0 same as the colour when i test with tap water as adviced

NO3 = 25 (Is it too high? How do i lower it??)

If I were to really want to add something into my tank to test the water?? What do u guys recommend?? Damsels are out pls, dun want to find trouble...

Are snails okay to be added in now?? I see algae (Green hairy type) growing liao. Which type of snails is recommended? where can i find them??

What about shrimps? I have seen some reefers adding them as first rite??



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  • SRC Member
Hey guys,

I did a water check again.

NH3/4 = 0

NO2 = 0 same as the colour when i test with tap water as adviced

NO3 = 25 (Is it too high? How do i lower it??)

If I were to really want to add something into my tank to test the water?? What do u guys recommend?? Damsels are out pls, dun want to find trouble...

Are snails okay to be added in now?? I see algae (Green hairy type) growing liao. Which type of snails is recommended? where can i find them??

What about shrimps? I have seen some reefers adding them as first rite??



Try to wait for No3 below 20 than put in a alga benny to help to clear alga.

For me when the No3 reach 12.5mg\l or less than put in coral first than fish slowly,hope this help u maybe other bro can give u better advice cos Im also new to marine :D

My decomm 4ft FOWLR

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  • SRC Member

no3 isn't going to come down by itself other than water change in this initial period. if its still cycling, cut down on the lights and the hairy algae should melt off. don't think its wise to get a algae blennie at this stage. they go for the micro algae, not macro ones. a tang will do the job nicely, in the future.

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  • SRC Member

sorry, hijack a little bit. i've had arseluck with any sort of goby. almost all the casuaties my tank had are all gobies. they just like to die on me, most of the time, can't even find their bodies. latest MIA are 2 firegoby. just got them last night and can't find them at all this morning. :cry:

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