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"Diamond" drinking water VS RO/DI water


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  • SRC Member


ITs those filtration device that we could drink directly from it.

Theres few brand out there like diamond...& Mitsubushi..

It does filter off lots of harmful chemical thats bad for our body...wondering it works for marine?


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  • SRC Member
I havent tried this type of filtration system because I dont trust the stone in this system. Hence, I use only a 10 microns filter and carbon.

Interest to know about the 10 micro filter.... How much and where to find? Able to take a pic of it? :thanks:

:) Greeting :)

Tank: 4' by 2' by 2' (CR antique)

Sump: 3' include 1' refuigm

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  • SRC Member

Interest to know about the 10 micro filter.... How much and where to find? Able to take a pic of it? :thanks:

just any shoppping centre has that 10 micron filter. I have tried to find 5 micron but seems no shops sell it. Only hydraulic filter has 5 microns filter, LOL

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just any shoppping centre has that 10 micron filter. I have tried to find 5 micron but seems no shops sell it. Only hydraulic filter has 5 microns filter, LOL

Can show a pic to see how it looks like so I know one when shopping around.... I do have a fine net bought from NTUC for separating BB brine usage. It is actually a coffee filter and I have no idea what micro.....

Wow... :whistle hydraulic filter..... get the parts from mechanic?

:) Greeting :)

Tank: 4' by 2' by 2' (CR antique)

Sump: 3' include 1' refuigm

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Can show a pic to see how it looks like so I know one when shopping around.... I do have a fine net bought from NTUC for separating BB brine usage. It is actually a coffee filter and I have no idea what micro.....

Wow... :whistle hydraulic filter..... get the parts from mechanic?

the hydraulic filter can get from shops not mechanic, LOL but I wouldnt use it. they will rust and not suitable for marine.

coffee filter is for the BBS filter and cant be use here for this filtering concept because it will mess up your life, LOL.

The best method is using the RO filter. I didnt invest that because no time to survey. Here is a link. You can see it is only a single station cartridge. You can get a double station which is connected together. Just make sure they are fully made of plastics and stainless steel. When I bought them, they are brass fittings so I have change to Stainless steel fittings with shut-off valves at both sides. First station i place the 10 micron filter before the carbon. BTW you can use this for your home consume water too. I dont want to drink my water with particles.


BTW we can find 1 or 5 micron filters in the market but too expensive as they are sold to special commercial usage. Not domestic home usage yet. I will wait as I dont want to waste money.

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First station i place the 10 micron filter before the carbon. BTW you can use this for your home consume water too. I dont want to drink my water with particles.


Which pic shows the 10 micro filter? Pic C or D or E?

:) Greeting :)

Tank: 4' by 2' by 2' (CR antique)

Sump: 3' include 1' refuigm

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  • SRC Member

Which pic shows the 10 micro filter? Pic C or D or E?


the filter is pic D's left side and the carbon is pic D's right side. This filter is fitted into the container pic A's left side. Each of this container can only contain either one filter or one carbon. Both filter and carbon sells at Giant (I think so).

The below link shows a 3 station and pls ignore the attachment on top of the container.


On pic D's left side which is the filter has many types, 50, 10, 5, 1,... microns. However the shopping only sells lowest to 10 microns. Shopping sells cheap as for home domestic use. As for 5 or 1 microns are only available at some LFS or special hardware shop which are very expensive, throat cutting price.

Using a 10 micron at from home's tap still can get a fast water flow and not fast dirty so 5 micron filter still can be use and better. Only thing is will 5 micron will be fast dirty and choke up like 1 micron filter? No idea. I know is if you want to use 1 micron filter, you have to use 3 station which has 1 micron and either 10 or 5 micron filter. This is to prevent fast choke up. Beware that 1 micron filter has a very slow water flow.

hopes these infos can be understand clearly.

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