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Scarlet HawkFish

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Here's a pic of the hawkfish TriggerQueen picked up from you(Princess) on Sunday....veri cute and beautiful ... ;)

(since you are wondering how he is doing in her tank, post a pic to let you take a look at him/her :lol:

I used to have one in my tank as well....wonder they will grow up and become a threat to the shrimps in the tank...anybody has this problem before........ :lol::lol:


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I was intending to get one too but after reading in a book that they will eat shrimp and feather dusker dropped my idea. Hope the bk is incorrect. Do keep us updated on your hawkfish.


This one is in TriggerQueen's FOWLR....running with the big boys...Triggers and Large Angels... no chance to tell you whether it eats the feather tube worms and shrimps...at least these stuff wont even survive more than 3 minutes in her tank


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Wow, thats a really nice Flame hawkfish or Neocirrihites armatus, I think one of the more expensive ones too... Hawkfishes have voracious appetites and feed on shrimps and small fish. I feed mine the freeze dried shrimps and they love it, will dash up to the surface to get it. Very smart and intelligent fish too, love those curious eyes.

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My flame hawk fights with my clown trigger, purple tang, sailfin tang for food even tho it is so much smaller than them. No prob with thi sfish. One of the hardiest I've seen.

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
Wave Maker :
Fluidised Reactor :

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I was so sad and devastated when my flame hawk (been with me since forever) committed suicide about a month and a half ago!!!! :cry2::cry2: ...

The hawk i got from princess (love her purple hair!!!! :whistle:D ) is small but so cute and curious and able to hold its own against the big guys and thank god all ignore it... :P

i think i will name it 'Princess'- coz its so fiesty and cute.. :lol::lol:

(thanks for the great fish.. its eating but still abit shy...)

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