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WTS: Tangs


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All 5 have been with me since Jan 07..all feed on pellets..

Blue Tang

- bought from CF

- was 50 cents big, now 2.5 inches

- $20

Lieutenant Tang

- bought from SL

- was ard 1.5 inches, now 3.5 inches

- $35

Mimic Tang

- bought from CF

- ard 3.5 inches now

- $20

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bro, need some advice from you.

Your tangs looks nice and healthy. What kind of food diet you feed them ?

Mine keeps dying so I dare not keep any Tangs but wuld love to .

Also, do you think that damsels are responsible in killing them, I have about five damsels in a 4 ft. tank.

I keep blaming on the water condition but other fishes seemed to be doing ok.... it's only the tangs :(

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Not all tangs are hardy, and in general, I don't think tangs are hardy. That is, if you compare tangs to damsels and clownfishes, which are the 2 hardiest marine fish you can find in our LFS.

Anyway, discussion on tangs should be more appropriate in a separate thread in the other sub-forum.

(~ cci[RR]us ~)
A pair of Nemos :: Deep Sand Bed
Solite 2x24W T5 :: Prizm Skimmer with Overflow attachment

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  • SRC Member
bro, need some advice from you.

Your tangs looks nice and healthy. What kind of food diet you feed them ?

Mine keeps dying so I dare not keep any Tangs but wuld love to .

Also, do you think that damsels are responsible in killing them, I have about five damsels in a 4 ft. tank.

I keep blaming on the water condition but other fishes seemed to be doing ok.... it's only the tangs :(

damsels cant kill your tang although the tang is still small. If those damsels can really kill your tnag, I think they are breed of damsel and shark. :D

Tangs are not hardy. They are between medium to hard. Damsels, clowns, worms, you and me are easy to raise type. :)

Tangs are easily die from diseases and water condition. So be prepared when you start to have tangs. The small tangs are hardest to raise but when they have grown, it is not so hard anymore

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damsels cant kill your tang although the tang is still small. If those damsels can really kill your tnag, I think they are breed of damsel and shark. :D

Tangs are not hardy. They are between medium to hard. Damsels, clowns, worms, you and me are easy to raise type. :)

Tangs are easily die from diseases and water condition. So be prepared when you start to have tangs. The small tangs are hardest to raise but when they have grown, it is not so hard anymore

Hi Bro

I interested in the Lieutenant Tang...can sms me? 97988810

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