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Primary 6 student?!?!? unbelievable!!!


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jas_soh Posted on Nov 12 2003, 10:15 AM

  heee.... PRIMARY SIX doesn't necessarily mean she's 12 years old ma....   

dumb beauty?? :lol::lol::lol:

The world is such a wicked place,war btween the human race. People work to earn their bread,while across the sea they're counting dead

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honestly is she anything that great to look at ? u guys are just crazy overher coz shes 12 years old. SICKOS :P :P :P

SpiderOne Speaketh The Truth!

most probably.. some have already in their mind to do wat is unspeakable here..

at least I am talkin abt maturing babes b4 I eye them..

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from the second pic, she really look like from MAINLAND china. But heck cares! she's not bad looking :D

Yeah, but the second pix is the spoiler... she look damn drappy in that one. Probably less or without make-up for that candid shot.

the rest, well... IMO, they are just the clever use of makeup to make her look mature and all...

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zao shou zao lan. (early ripe, early rot) who knows what you'll be looking at in 4 years time :eyeblur:

hahahhahaha... hhhmmm so if I"m damn ugly, I can use the same saying to tell pple I rot much later so its a good thing? :lol:

but honestly speaking, just go to orchard and look around, lots of young girls with make up, and skimpy clothes and some you can't tell at first glance they look very young. plus you have parents with really young kids in tow who are wearing 2 piece clothes or halter tops and platform shoes, etc... I think young and innocent means nothing these days when most young girls try to look old and ###### anyway.

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