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anthias advise

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  • SRC Member

well guys..... i envy those who got anthias in their tanks. can all bros/sis share their secrets. i got 2 last time,last about 6 month,go hunger strike,then die peacefully together...... :( . fyi, i fed them flakes,pellets and brine.

thought of keeping a few but advises needed first.thankssss...

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well guys..... i envy those who got anthias in their tanks. can all bros/sis share their secrets. i got 2 last time,last about 6 month,go hunger strike,then die peacefully together...... :( . fyi, i fed them flakes,pellets and brine.

thought of keeping a few but advises needed first.thankssss...

Firstly tell us what anthias you used to keep and how bigs your tank.......( tank spec????)

IMO few anthias i found easy to keep is dispar, tri- color, fairy and squamipinnis aka lyretail anthias

Then few difficult ones are purple queen(keeping one that is eating), evansi and ventralis

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DA....what are fairy anthias?

How is your purple queen getting on?

Mines a truncate fairy(Pseudanthias truncate)..... a rather bold fish and quite aggressive too....... But eat everything....

My purple doing rather well swimming very gracefully........ Oh btw the one i bought is an adult and already eating.... BUT abit ex ;););)

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  • SRC Member

wooo, DA answered. :) . cant remember which one i bought.long time liow.seems like a couple,both pink, one got long dorsal fins..

its a 3 footer tank...their friends are 1 clarkie, 1 bicolor blenny, 1 boxer shrimp,

1 naso tank.....

their house is a live rock only....

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DA do you have a pic how a Pseudanthias truncate look like....

PM me on how much you paid for the purple ok


From my marine atlas the scientific name is pseudanthias truncate but from salt corner the scientific name is different but they all label the same fish as truncate anthias.............

This is it- http://www.saltcorner.com/sections/zoo/fis...hypselosoma.htm

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wooo, DA answered. :) . cant remember which one i bought.long time liow.seems like a couple,both pink, one got long dorsal fins..

its a 3 footer tank...their friends are 1 clarkie, 1 bicolor blenny, 1 boxer shrimp,

1 naso tank.....

their house is a live rock only....

Is this the one you got


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for a good tank.. mature tank.. i think can keep up to 4?? or perhaps 5?

Hey hey pls dun give wrong advice ;););) ........ A squaminpinnis aka lyretail anthias is a very fierce anthias and in a small tank like yours(mine also a 3 footer) you should best only have 1......... yes they do school in the wild but schooling for lyretail is best achieve only if you have a very large tank with 1 or 2 male with many female........ This way the way then each can established their own territory......... Oh yah this anthias are rather hardy and feed on almost everything.............

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I would suspect it has to do with something about the colours. animals, fishes included, will have more striking colour details if they are male. so yah. a bunch of females may mean duller colour and all.

then again this is anthias and I don't know jack s*** for fish. so yah. my five cents worth. (=

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