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WTS: Various Brand New Items


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Hi Everyone,

After getting into this hobby for some time, there have been a few items that I bought but in the end never used them. So I am putting them up for sale.

1. Jewel fishtank stand. To fit RIO 180 tank. Ended up not using because my old Jewel tank glass already stained because of age and so I threw it away. Dimensions is 101cm x 41cm x 73cm. S$100

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Next up is the sump that I customed made for the stand.As you can see it fits perfectly into 1 side compartment. The sump should be in put in the other way round so that the return pipe goes straight up. Fits an Eheim 1250 pump or Aquabee 3000 return pump. Sump S$25

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Next up is the I-Aquatic Overflow box (Known as I-Box) that is still wrapped up. It comes with an additional pipe at the bottom so that water is sucked in from the top and bottom. Paid S$180. Asking $160. More information about the sump can be found at www.iaquatic.com As you can see all the above were planned to start my tank until I found out that my tank glass got stains that I couldnt remove. So had to abort the plan.

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JBJ 12G Nano Cube Deluxe. Used for 1 week. With me for about 2 months. Decided it is too small for my needs. Picture has no cover but it comes with cover complete with 2 PL lights and 2 LED 'moon' lights, 2 cooling fans. I removed the cover during test run. More info can be found at http://www.jbjlighting.com/sys_12gDX_nanocube.html

Does not come with stand. I cant remember how much I paid for this so how about a bidding system. Start at $50? Smallest bid $5 to save everybody's time.


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